Thanks to everyone who voted, it was very close this week!
keep it anonymous!
Remember, anonymity is very important in this LIMS! For the icons that won People's Choice and Mods' Choice, no user name is shown. So please, if you won, don't leave a comment saying "OMG thank you so much for all the votes, I'm really happy to have won _________ Choice!" Because that will give away who you are, and who your celebrity is. Make sense? :) Please feel free to leave a comment congratulating the winners, though. ;)
Anyone who wins PC or MC will have their name announced, as well as a banner/banners, at the end of Round One.
setentpetw/ -07 votes
People's Choice:
Mod's Choice:
+06 votes
Great crop, and the coloring is
very flattering, considering his outfit.
01: (-05) (+00)
02: (-01) (+00)
03: (-06) (+01)
04: (-00) (+06)
05: (-02) (+01)
06: (-07) (+00)
07: (-01) (+02)
eliminated • favorite
Votes have been unscreened Challenge Fourteen will be posted soon!