Dec 17, 2003 08:29
it's always easier to wake up with music. and it's always easier coming home to my guitar. and it's always easier to get over the fact that people don't stick around, when your favorite song always will.
i have my health final in an hour and a half. i'm confused but it's ok cuz i don't care anymore, i'm tried. after this i have no school until january 5. and not long after that is my birthday so at least i have something to look forward to in those first returning weeks. work is getting better, getting busier, going quicker. it's strange how hours go by differently in different situations.
i've been seeing a lot of b.j. lately. he moved to the ghetto. even though we don't have a relationship, it's nice to know that because he's kind of a loser, he's always home and i can always call and that when we lay down in bed he'll do his best to give me mine and he'll get his. and i feel close to him and i tell him things and all we have to do is sit around and get high cuz all i really need is to chill out with good people to be happy. that's not true. but it is true when things are going too fast and i need a break.
i know you probably won't read this entry if i write too much more so see ya, have a good day, do what you want, help other people do what they want and maybe i'll talk to you soon.