Jun 14, 2008 19:51
I havent posted here in a long, long time. I really should start doing that, just to document things that I might enjoy looking back on later... I'll add that to the huge list of other things I should be doing to better my life somehow. Anyway --
1 -- Last weekend was the Butz-Champion wedding (no joke). I think it went very, very well overall, considering everything that had led up to it,, hopefully we can use this as a re-starting point for our friendship. It was my first time as a bridesmaid, and I had a lot of fun. It's lots of work and $$, but worth it. It is nice to have it over, though. Less to worry about.
2 -- I'm going to Cali in a few weeks, to be on Matt's support crew for the Western States 100 Endurance Run. Yes, 100 miles -- crazy! I can't wait, I've never been west of like, Minnesota. So, that should be a really good time. Then, in Sept, Matt and I are going to Guadalajara, Mex. Also should be a lot of fun, eating, shopping, walking around, etc.
3 -- Work is still work. All moved into our new facility in Carol Stream, which is nice. I've been working 50-hr weeks for the last 3 weeks though, which is getting exhausting, but oh well. The interim GM really likes me, and has kinda taken me 'under his wing', which is awesome. He overheard me tell my stock joke that I want to be running the company in 5 years, and took that seriously, and now is teaching me supervisory skills... very nice. Definitely something I need to work on, and an awesome skill set to have. So, things are going good there. Stressful sometimes, but it's ok.
4 -- I am going to start classes this fall to get my Master's.. my company will pay for it 100%, so there's really no reason not to. I'm going to go for the 'Master of Industrial Technology and Operations' from IIT. I havent seen that degree anywhere else, so it might be kind of B.S., but whatev. The classes will help me become less naive in my field, and look good on a resume.
5 -- Matt and I are really, really good. He lost his job about 2 months ago, and is doing the job search thing... i feel kind of bad.. I have never been in that situation, so its impossible for me to truly empathize with him, but i'm trying to support him as best I can. he is doing fine, but i know it's really, really, stressful, and hopefully it'll be over soon.
6 -- mentalfloss.com and funnyordie.com are my 2 new fav sites.
7 -- I'm currently doing a shitty, half-assed job at marathon training.. i really need to ramp it up. I think I still have enough time though.