Of fic and fantasy

May 19, 2003 15:59

Of late I seem to be in one of my posting lulls. My apathy really knows no bounds. Of course it becomes particularly difficult to work up some writing gumption when I am enthralled by a fic. My fic reading, like the posting and really all my interests not named Kari, comes in waves; I read one or two consecutively, then take a week or so off. I don't really think that'll be the case this time because this one has an already completed sequel and second in progress. Why I'm treating this as some mystery story, I don't know. Maybe I was planning on some great literate flow of consciousness that would lead to a logical unveiling of the great story in question. That's really quite ludicrous as we all know I'm not the kind of writer (i.e. good). And look I put off my stunning revelation for 2 (3 now) more sentences. This is really turning into quite the little paradigm of anti-climax, or at least evasion by verbosity. And still without a proper introduction. Ah well.

I just finished Roman Holiday by Anna, on rec from avalons. It was very good and terribly enjoyable. I have some issues with it, namely a beginning and an ending I wasn't satisfied by thematically. It was quite well written; she has a flair for thrilling plot. This story did however raise some issues I have with fanon in general, but I am just lacking the desire to really explore it. I will try to do something in the next couple of days on it, once I've collected my thoughts. Also I'd like to see how much of it carries over into the sequel, the Jewel of the Nile. Of course I will only be reading it for academic purposes.

Kari and I both really enjoyed it, though it definitely had flaws. I felt the good seriously overpowered the bad and I don't know where the story will end up. I have trouble disputing other people's opinions as to what were disappointments. For me, it all worked and I definitely need to see it again; there is just too much going on at some points to catch. We're hoping to catch it when it comes to the IMAX in a couple of weeks. Moriarty over at AICN has written a review that most resembles my opinion, a trend I've noticed, and I suggest you check it out. It has some spoilers. I would really recommend reading it and most other reviews after you see the film. I've been avoiding the trailers for months so that everything would come as a complete surprise to me, as the original did. Amidst the negative buzz of the last couple of weeks, I really put my expectations in check. Ignore the people panning the first 45 minutes - there is an actual story to this and I enjoyed the exposition. The pseudo-philosophy is a bit thick, but the last hour puts everything in perspective. I won't say more since this is already too random a review. Plus I can't mention much more without getting into spoilers and my gall-bladder has expressed no interest in dealing with the business end of a fish fork.

I'll summarize my thoughts as so: Very good, but not as good as the first. How could it be? Ignore all critics and see it for yourself.
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