Sep 07, 2008 00:16
It's late, but it's about time for my monthly post. It seems like a random-post kind of night. I'll try na cover as much as I can in the points below:
- my favourite internet place ever has closed down, Bowlie. It's been two weeks and I'm still at a loss everytime I fire up my internet browser. It closed at probably the right time, but I feel like I've lost a best friend, except that one best friend is really about 100 good friends that have made me smile and laugh and think every single day for the last 7 years. That's kinda hard to get over. I'm really not sure what I'll do yet. There's still lots of people I'll keep in contact with, but it's not the same without the forum.
- Random Bowlies have been sending me mix CDs! For years, since I've taken over from Stoof, i've bee running the mix exchange on the board and it seems like they've conspired to start sending me mixes as thank-yous. You have no idea how great that makes me feel!
- I went to Toronto last weekend and had a great time, although it was the first time I've ever realized how truly useful a cell phone would really be. It's almost enough to make me cave in and get one. I should've asked for a Blackberry from work a long time ago, but whatever. If I get my own phone I might get a 7/11 one since they have a good pay-as-you-go plan.
- umm, I'm drunk (again) so it'll be amazing if this post makes sense at all.
- I'm not really drunk every weekend, it's just that I'm more up for posting when I'm a little more lose with the words and thoughts now that I can't do it from work.
- Dates! I've been going on some. No details though, because it's too early and I don't know what to say.
= I'm going to buy a treadmill. I practically bought it today, but they didn't have it in stock so I'll wait til Friday. It's expensive but I think it'll be worth it. I used to use it a lot at the gym, and I like running, but I'm such a fair-weather runner when it comes to running outdoors, that I think I'll be much better if I make it part of my routine at home. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I make it a good investment, because I can't afford bad investments right now!
- um, hell, I've got lots more to say, but trying to type somewhat coherently is getting very tiring. I like comments, but I know that LJ is practically dead and I won't get much, but I'm ok with that. I'll try and write more soon.
- The Wedding Present covering the theme to Twin Peaks (Falling) is amazing, yo! (yes, it required the yo!)
- Joey