Chicken Mc'Muffin

Nov 19, 2004 10:06

I just got back from "coffee Central" the coffee joint in the hospital where they serve alright coffee with terrible food. Jen wanted breakfast so i walked over with her and stood in line with her for something to do instead of work. As i waited in line with her looking at all the muffins i began to wonder if a popcorn flavored muffin was in existence and if not WHY? and then we started thinking of other types of muffins that would be a brilliant idea. some we came up with: Pepperoni pizza muffin, a chicken mc'muffin, hamburger muffin, fish get the idea.
Last night i watched Soul Plane staring Snoop Dogg and Method Man AND Tom Arnold. I am still trying to get over it. Its all about how a guy who lived as a boy next to an airport grows up and goes on a flight and gets his ass stuck in a toilet and wins 100 million dollars and uses it to open up his own airline called NWA. His cousin (Method Man) hires a pilot (Snoop Dogg) who is afraid of heights and doesn't know how to fly a plane but loves fly the first flight of the soul plane. The plane is purple with rims and hydraulics and in the airport the terminal is terminal Malcolm X. Tom arnold and his girlfriend and his children are the only white people on the flight, they were on their way home from "cracker land" Now you can imagine the hilarity that pursues and then well, Snoop OD's on mushrooms and the co-pilot was in the hot tub with 3 other ladies and slips and falls and passes out so somebody else has to fly the plane and they land in central park in NY and then after their near death experience they throw a HUGE party on the SOUL PLANE.... I had high expectations seeing as i love method man and snoop....This doesn't even come close to HOW HIGH....
This morning my train hit something. I was sitting there and all of a sudden the window had blood all over it.There was blood all over the side of my train car.... The conductor came by and was like "Looks like we hit a deer."
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