I'm (unofficially) shutting down my LJ. I don't need it so I'm not going to use it. Nobody cares, anyhow. If I knew how to delete it I would, but I don't, so it can sit here and rot.
Whoever you are (if you're Cheese, stop being a complete coward, and use your LJ account to post), leave Cae alone. You're being extremely immature and rude. If your grudge against her has to do with that post she made against Tymaporer/.Friends555 a while back, do realise that, although it wasn't the kindest thing Cae has done, everyone has their bad moments, and their times of anger. Believe me, I know. If I get annoyed or aggravated, I take my anger out on the first person/thing I see. However, it's easy for me to reign in my temper and just rant mentally. For Cae, it may not be that simple, so do stop trying to provoke her, as it's making you look like a moron, which is not helped at all by your immature comments, weak insults, and poor grammar. I suggest you either get of your throne and behead your ego, or go to some remote corner of the universe and calm down, leaving this girl in peace for once.
Cae is an amazing person, with an even greater personality. She's one of the greatest people I've ever met, and I feel quite sorry for you, letting your petty grudges and pathetic sense of hate get in the way of seeing this. Here's an idea. How about shutting up, getting as far, far away from Cae as you can, and then proceeding to lock yourself and your annoying personality in a metal box. Perhaps then the world will be quite safe and rid of you.
Cae is an amazing person, with an even greater personality. She's one of the greatest people I've ever met, and I feel quite sorry for you, letting your petty grudges and pathetic sense of hate get in the way of seeing this. Here's an idea. How about shutting up, getting as far, far away from Cae as you can, and then proceeding to lock yourself and your annoying personality in a metal box. Perhaps then the world will be quite safe and rid of you.
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