....I was a model in a fashion show... ...and I took some pictures.
So, my friend Danielle, a student of cosmetology, participated in organizing her own part of a fashion show at her school, Elite Progressive School of Cosmetology. It was actually a contest, and althogh she did not win, she really loved it and all of us had a great time...even though it was pretty crazy!!!
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure (btw, Danielle's theme was Fantasy/Fairytale):
Danielle hard at work on some of the models.
Sarah, our friend and photographer, helped put the tiny jewels on most of the models. Here she is helping Melissa.
This is Annie (Danielle's friend, she is really nice) and Melissa. I liked Melissa's face the best; look at the jewel design!
Here is Aloha, wonderful girl with a wonderful name. She is also a student at Elite.
This is Natalie, the amazing girl who made most of our outfits! And she is only 16! Very talented, creative girl. Behind her with the fabric and scissors is Rachelle (or was it Michelle? I am bad with names). She helped with all our hair and added embellishments to our hair and outfits last minute! She is incredibly talented, as well. She came up with the idea to add tool to Melissa's hair...
I loved Melissa's hair, too. She looked like a model, man. It was crazy because if you knew her in real life, you would never guess she would do anything like this! She is such a great person for stepping in last minute like she did.
Katie and Mel (Katie she was so pretty and helped teach me how to walk, along with Rachelle). She and Rachelle were so funny: "Just pick something and flirt with it. Like a pencil. Oh, you are the sexiest pencil I have ever seen!" hahahaha..... Oh, and I think that pic is my fave that I took....although I also like this one...
Love the candidness. And their expressions are so "modely."
Oh, yeah...I was in the show, too. Guess I will show you a couple of them pics if I have to.. ;-)
This is my hair. I made Mom take a pic of it before I brushed it out because I liked it so much. And I can never get my hair to do that. This is like, 2 hours of curling, people! Well, it certainly felt like 2 hours.
Yay, Annie, me and Natalie. We all so happy!
Group pic of Danielle and all her models!!!
The end.
Oh, and btw, this is a PG-rated post, which is why no other models are shown, if you get the drift. ;-) I actually really didn't take pics of the other models due to that very reason. Eww, I would have felt so dirty, haha.