The Great LukeSki - Psycho Potpourri **** 1/2 out of *****

Apr 12, 2005 18:32

I, like many other fans, got hooked on LukeSki when "Peter Parker" and "Stealing Like a Hobbit" were the most requested songs on Dr. Ds show. I was able to pick up Carpe Dementia, Uber Geek, and Worst Album Ever at Archon 28. Unfortunately for me he already had a couple of other albums put out that were out of print.

For those of us Johnny-come-latelys, he produced "Psycho Potpourri", a re-release of songs from both "Shadow of the Bunghole" and "Fanboys 'n Da Hood". I was able to pick up a copy when he came to MidSouthCon 23 here in Memphis. (Pics of the con can be seen at , including a few with Our Man Luke :) )

This is a wonderful album! I've listened to it several times already, and find more in it each time. I dicovered the hard way not to be driving the first time I listen to one of his albums. "Trekkie Case" nearly caused me to run off the road! Being a card-carrying member of Starfleet, the International Star Trek Fan Association, I relate all to well to this "Basket Case" parody.

My favorite song on the album however, is "Murder is the Play". Snoop Dogg meets Shakespeare - I am just enamored of this piece. The lyrics are quite intricate, but manage to recap the entire play within the space of the song. In fact, it made me go dig out my old high-school english book and reread the play! This song makes my personal "top ten".

Another gem here is his version of "Gump" which is, like Weird Al's version, is based on Presidents of the United States of America's "Lump". LukeSki performed his version live - then Al released Bad Hair Day just a couple of days later. OUCH. However, Luke included this live performance on PP and, although the audio is not the greatest, I like Luke's version as much (maybe a little better) than Al's. Luke, if you wind up reading this, I would love to hear this studio-recorded properly and released on an album (or maybe as a Great LukeSki Fanclub exclusive! :) ).

Final verdict? 4.5 out of 5 stars (It would be 5 out of 5, but, my avatar notwithstanding, I've never been a fan of Elvis :) ...)

Edited 4/13 to actually have the review make sense. Missed a sentence during cut'n'pasting :)
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