Newsgator Online beta is out! - My first impressions

Feb 28, 2007 12:49

If you've been using Newsgator Online and have been annoyed by some of its quirks, a new AJAX-based version has currently been released in a beta state. Gone is the page refresh every time you change feeds, mark items read, etc - it is a much smoother experience.

The biggest issue I have with it right now is that it responds as slowly as the old NGO, but I'm hoping that it might be because it's not on production servers right now. If the Newsgators guys can make it as snappy as something like GMail, then they've got a killer app - as it stands they've just got an "aggravated assault" app :)

There are few other issues at the moment - but it's a beta, so that's expected and none are real showstoppers.

Bottom Line: Even with the issues and speed, I don't think I'll be going back to the regular NGO except for bug verification and research.

To get to the beta, log in with your Newsgator Online account (or create a free one if you don't have one), then browse to:

And click on the "Try the Beta Reader Now!" button.

If you want to go back to the old Newsgator, go back to the above URL and click "No Thanks - I want to keep using the classic reader".

newgator, comments, rss

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