Sick Baby and a Good Movie

Feb 05, 2008 16:44

My poor Christopher is sick with a 102fever.  I gave him motrin, nursed him and he has slept the majority of the day.

Which has allowed me to watch the movie The Nines by John August...I do recommend it.  I also have had the chance to comment to many people, which I Never do....due to lack of time, and now I get to post.

A very evil, yet wonderful thing...chocolate chip cookie dough in a tub...even it is Nestle.

I went to a MOPS group this morning(before I knew that Christopher was sick) and it was great.  I really like the women there.  I met a woman who does a post partum depression suppot group, she and I are convinced we are long lost emotional issue twins.  I had to leave early when we figured out that he was running a fever.

He is waking up, so I must go
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