Changes of 2007.

Dec 25, 2007 13:58

Well I have been through a lot this year and I figured I would recap the life I have lived, to the life I lead now. Last year at this time I had just found out that I had been accepted to the Pharmacy School in Oregon. I knew it was the last time my family would be living under one roof. Dj was on the look out to buy his own house and I was on the look out to move 1500 miles away from everything I have ever known. Last year this time I was still taking crap from Don and Karen, and I was still trying like hell to make them proud and want to be apart of my life. Last year at this time I was wondering how my mother would cope without me or my brother living with her, and how she would handle me moving so far away. I was trying to figure out what I would do with out all of you, my Tasha, Dirk, Brandon, Souly, Jen, Jodi, and everyone that has made an impact on my life.

Now, I live in a different state. I am visiting for the holidays. I still have growing friendships with all of you, and I don't really let myself feel the distance. I have learned to let Don and Karen go. My mother has been just fine with out us kids in the house, and she always tells me how proud I have made her. My Dad (Joe) goes to Pharmacy School in Arizona and we have a lot to talk about all of the time! He keeps me on my toes, and the cool thing is for once I keep him on his toes too! Phoenix seems a lot bigger than I remember, and I think the sun shine is a miracle. I won't ever complain about it again. Now that I am getting older I am starting to figure out what I want in this life. I am almost done getting the career thing in order, next I want to start a relationship. I want to be with someone, I have been single for 5 years now and I am sure there is an expiration date on me somewhere. I have never let my guard down because I was always so committed to my school. Truth be told I had always been scared to try, I had it built up in my head that if I let someone in, they would never be first and that would be a huge problem for me. Plus if I had put someone first my school would suffer. After I get that whole relationship thing down then comes a family, I have never really thought of this option before so it's kinda new to me. I have always pictured my life so differently in the past but now I am taking a new approach. Friends and family mean the most to me, and after I get done with school I will be able to put them above all. Yes, I admit it. I had to put school first for a while. School, that is a funny thing. They like to torture you, and it gets really tough but I have found a few people that I can lean on when times get rough. It is so very important to have that, I realize that now. I have learned to give out more patience with people, all I have is time.

I can't believe I am turning 24 this year.

I am looking forward to the future. I can't wait to get done with this school thing so that I can come back to the place where I belong. I will never forget the new experiences that I have gone through, I have grown quite a bit but I still take the time to be just as goofy as normal. I seem more serious these days, and I don't really know if I like that so much but I live with it. I will always love Oregon and the time I spent there but there is no place like home. Erin lady, I don't know how you ever left this place for so long. But I understand how time helps that feeling fade, and our love can help fill that heart shaped whole. You were always braver than me.

I always thought that the world would stop turning and wait for me to return home from Oregon. I know now, that this will never be the case. The world moves on, whether your ready for it or not. That is a tough pill to swallow sometimes.

Okay so here are my quick dedications:
To Tasha, the friend of my life. We have been through a lot this last year, but the hardest part was saying good bye. You have become a wonderful woman, you work too much but I won't ever think of you as a child again. We have become too old for that. You and Jason have blossomed. It has been a very big honor to have you so close in my life.I look forward to making so many more memories together!

To Brandon, I have said it once and I will say it again. You are awesome! Any girl that you find will be very lucky to have you. You have grown up so much too, I wish you the best of luck in the future with your fire fighting career. You will be fantastic at saving peoples lives. It's in your heart to. Keep your light shining, the world would be so dark without it.

To Dirk, even though you may get confused, try not to loose sight of the target. One day you will find what truly makes you happy and you will fight with all of your soul to get it. You have grown up too and I will never forget your amazing mind. Keep you ideas safe, the world loves to change them. Keep your mind clean and clear, and keep your heart pure.

To Erin, distance never matters when it comes to you. The years that pass us by are just the sand in the hour glass. Our lives are interwoven together and it's amazing that we would be the ones to out last through time and distance. I am so happy that I get to talk to you and share so many wonderful memories with you. I can't wait for the day when we can reunite and tell the stories of our lives.

To Brodie, my oh my have you changed. Is it true? Are you indeed growing up? I haven't heard much of your rants but your creativity is one for the world to admire. You need to write a book, and share your imagination with the world. It's so very hard to believe how much we have grown, but the surprise is we found the most changes in you. I'm looking forward to the day when we can meet again and share our crazy stories.

To David, you have changed as well. Time will never sit still for you. In all of your craziness, you still have the power to make laughter. This is an amazing gift, never loose it! Try to become more optimistic with people, and with life in general. It's too short to do otherwise.

To Me. Listen to all of this sage like wisdom. Sheesh. If I have to thee offend, It is with my sincerest apology. Carolyn, you have changed. You have a page worth of things in your life, where you cut corners, took a few turns and tossed yourself into an adventure. Be good to yourself and everyone else around you!

I hope you all have the brightest and happiest new year and Christmas day! I hope you all continue to grow and live. Keep your hearts open, and your eyes on the ball! I hope you all have luck in happiness, life, family, friends and even love! I love you all! Cheers my friends this one is for you!

Happy new year and Merry Christmas!
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