Gaming rantages - disagreements I've had with my sister

May 17, 2009 01:28

Thanks, XSEED, for licensing Ragnarok Online DS! Been playing a patched game, courtesy of the incredibly awesome guys at GBAtemp. Thanks guys, for all the hard work and effort you've put into the project!

So, while I wait for this release, I'm playing the re-release of Broken Sword. So far, I've completed about 27% in less than 3 hours. I haven't played the original version before, but I'm finding it pretty easy.
My sister has also been playing it and said it must have taken me ages to complete the first cryptic message because she's still stuck. When I replied no, she basically gave me evil looks and snapped "Yeah whatever, you always say everything is easy, you bullshitter."

Uhhh, no. I really did find it easy.

It's the whole "I'm smarter than you, it's taking me ages, therefore, you must have taken even longer" thing. I can see she's getting increasingly agitated and has her "I'M FUCKED OFF, DON'T MESS WITH ME" face on. She's been on that same message for about 30 minutes.
For anyone who's interested, look here for the cryptic message + solution. I'm not going to post exactly how I solved it, but it's pretty easy when you think logically.
Take a look at the last word in the first and second line. Which two-letter and three-letter words can you think of that consist of the same two different-letters? Possibly the only one being "to" and "too". This gives a pretty good start when you substitute them in. Then,looking mainly at the single, two and three-lettered words, it should be easy to work out the rest and fill in the gaps using the least common letters like Q, Z, etc.

Of course, I just shut up because I have neither the energy nor inclination to start an argument over how long it took for me to solve.

Then, I got thinking about other disagreements we've have over gaming stuffs. The most recent being the time she asked me to suggest some DS games for her to play.
The only DS games I know she likes are:
1) From The Abyss
2) Chronicles of Narnia
3) Zoo Keeper + Ninjatown (she doesn't ACTUALLY like these two games, she just finds them cute)

So really, it's just the first two. I said that her list is seriously limited and asked her what she looks for in games.
"I just want the action; no reading, nothing, just get to the fighting."
As an off-the-cuff remark which just blurted out, I said
"Wow, you're pretty narrow-minded in the types of games you're willing to try."
She got annoyed with me.
"How am I narrow-minded? Just because, unlike YOU, I'm selective in the games I like, it doesn't mean I'm narrow-minded."

Selective? Yeah, that's one way to see it.

I shall explain. My sister will avoid games which:
- use menus
- require you to equip armor, weapons, etc.
- involves reading
- focuses on the storyline
- are turn-based or strategy

Taking silly stuff like Brain Training and 100 Classic Book Collections out, of the few games which ARE left, she will like only a handful.

I suggested Suikoden Tierkreis; she said there's too much reading, it's turn-based AND you have to equip stuff.
I've previously suggested Castlevania; she played it for a total of two days before giving up, saying it involved too much backtracking (does it?? I've never played it myself) and she couldn't control the characters as well as she would have liked to.
Henry Hatsworth; she said it was crap and she couldn't get used to switching between the two modes of gameplay.
The Ace Attorney series; she doesn't like them because she doesn't get interested and doesn't have the patience to investigate and find contradictions.
I even suggested my patched Soma Bringer because it has similarities to From The Abyss; she played it for less than two hours before she realized she had to equip stuff and stopped playing.
I'd suggest RO DS but I know it involves equipping characters.

Then she complains about not having enough games to play. Then she calls herself a hardcore gamer while asking how the hell I can call MYSELF a gamer if I'm willing to play any old shite.

Well, at least I like more than 2 games and can fully appreciate different games in different ways.

games, rant

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