i think i bit off more than I could chew

Apr 12, 2007 16:35

Well it's not as crazy as last quarter... but it's still fucking hectic. So I dropped working at Columbia for the less prestigious, more what I want to do, URB magazine. Let me explain something to you: URB is a very small magazine. I mean, it's pretty well known in the underground world, and we *might* be throwing the official Coachella After Party (which means all you peeps rolling with me get in despite the fact that we are all underage... YAY!... but either way I can get you into the URB party, whether it is offical or not), but it's no SPIN or Rolling Stone (as much as I hate them for doing the show). Hense, I do a lot of work for no pay.

Think of it this way. I'm interning the in the editorial department AND adverstising for 15 hours a week. Plus the time it takes to get there (about 40 minutes on the bus with minimal traffic - it's pretty far away) and the money it takes to ride the bus (luckily this quarter I got off with $42 only... phew). Plus, I have to go there three times a week, and by that time I'm super tired and have to come back to a 2 hour class on world politics. BLEH! Now, they're giving me work to do at home. I'm excited for the editorial stuff - I get an actual byline WEEEE - but the work I'm doing, they pay their other writers for. And, I definitely don't want to be a promoter or a PR person, but I'm doing a ton of that work too now. I guess I should be happy because a)I'm getting this crazy experience at 20 and hopefully I can move to an equally as prestigious unpaid internship at SPIN or Rolling Stone or Equire and be the next chick Chuck Klosterman in like 10 years and b) they are super nice and give me free clothes, concert tickets, (and if all goes well) alcohol (we're moving offices so there is all this expensive alkie that they need to get rid of... I'm so hoping...)

BUT IT'S ALL UNPAID. I mean I'm putting in 20 hours a week for nothing. I'm just hoping that at the end of this year, they'll take me as a free lance writer. And, because at the way things are going, I might be graduating a quarter early (possibly two if I they don't open up a film minor) I can always work in DC or work in NYC my senior year and just come back to walk. But sometimes, I just dont think I'm good enough, and it scares me (although the horrific experience at the Daily Bruin this year made me realize that I really can overcome everything, including criticism, eventually.) I don't know if I have what it takes to do this for the rest of my life.

At least I did get hired for my writing ability. Some company called SWAPEDO (everyone go to www.swapedo.com and sign up please) hired me for 20 hours a week to do some PR stuff for theem (GAG!). I write on their blog, possibly will get a column, and I get $7.50 a hour to basically... do shit. I don't even have to come into the office. YAY. But the work is slow, and I don't know when I'm going to get paid. I really hope it is before Coachella - I need the money desparately.

Well this is what my week looks like:

10-3 URB
4-6 World Politics

9:30 - 10:45 Comparative Politics
11 - 12:15 Rhetoric and Pop Culture
2 - 3:15 Public Opinion and Voting Behavior

10-3 URB
4-6 World Politics

9:30 - 10:45 Comparative Politics
11 - 12:15 Rhetoric and Pop Culture
1-1:50 Discusssion for Comparative Politics
2 - 3:15 Public Opinion and Voting Behavior
3:30 -4:20 Discussion for Public Opinion and Voting Behavior
5-5:50 Discussion for World Politics

10-2 URB

Plus daily bruin, no cover, suburban horror, and Swapedo stuff. AND NOW... URB stuff.

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