Heroes "The Wall" thoughts and the resulting SGA miss-age.

Feb 26, 2010 01:37

1. Jesus Christ, why couldn't "The Wall" have happened on Stargate Atlantis? If this had been John and Rodney, the sheer volume of resulting fan fiction would have broken the internets. My favorite SGA fic authors could have worked MIRACLES with this storyline and it almost seems wasted since the Heroes fandom has waned so much.

Don't get me wrong, Heroes fans have done well, but SGA fandom was a land where fic flowed like water, and I became spoiled.

I mean, yeah, it was KINDA done on SGA, but not like this, not at all like this.

2. Sylar seemed genuinely confused or surprised when Peter said he thought about hitting him with the sledgehammer (really hard). I mean, Sylar asked "Why?" And the tone of voice, the *realization* in his voice with he said Nathan's name. Why?? How can he be surprised?? It doesn't make sense to me. Unless they'd reached such an easy truce that Sylar was surprised at the anger Peter still held onto. Otherwise...you know? Weird. I can't get it out of my head. Maybe I'm missing something...

It's just frustrating to not get to see more of the development here.

3. Because there wasn't enough development, I think that last scene (before busting through the wall) and the entire premise of this episode really counted on Milo nailing, nailing the line "I know. I know you are." And he really did. I was totally sold.

4. All the post-Wall touchy-feely (which ALSO could have launched a million fics for SGA) between Peter and Sylar was nice to see (gross understatement). I'm sure it was just TPTB trying to hammer home that Sylar Has Changed and Peter Believes It; but, it was beautifully acted in that it was just so damned casual and easy that I'm able to forget that it's an anvil and just enjoy that there's touching.

And I AM enjoying it, make no mistake about that...

5. When Peter went to question the multiplying man on Parkman's kitchen floor, Sylar automatically (telekinetically) spun him around so Peter would have easier access. It was a thoughtful thing to do. It reminds me of the days of John and Rodney, working in tandem.

6. Lastly, I wonder if Sylar would have been perfectly happy to stay in Dreamland with Peter, if only Peter wouldn't have been so stubborn about wanting to leave.

I haven't actually seen season 4 except the last two eps (lost interest after the writer's strike and am just now catching up on season 3), but I know the general storyline. There's something so nice about not being so involved in the Heroes fandom; I can just enjoy the eps for what they are and ignore what they aren't.

And a Random Dirty Secret: Peter Petrelli was completely uninteresting to me until it was revealed that Sylar was his brother (for half a season). All of a sudden...all kinds of interest. Worlds of interest. In the word of Wayne and Garth, "Schwing!" I wonder why... Weird, huh?
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