Our "official" community rules are, of course, posted in the User Info and in my previous post. Please familiarize yourself with them, live by them, sleep with them under your pillow, etc. These are little less official but just as vital to our community's well-being.
1. The first rule about
picking_losers is (much like Fight Club) that you DON'T TALK ABOUT
picking_losers to the cast, crew, or production people involved with Veronica Mars. Talking about fandom, about 'shipper fic and slash and threesomes to the actors and the writers is just.not.cool. It's not done. Any community member discovered to be pimping the community to TPTB or the cast will be banned immediately. I know that people involved with the show do surf the Web and even have identities on LiveJournal and it's entirely possible they'll find it themselves; if that happens...c'est la vie. But Gracie and I would really rather keep our fannishness and fic separate from the show.
2. Please, for the love of all that's unholy, do NOT call the pairing "VerDonica," "DoVe," "Donica," or anything else of that nature. Well, you can do it all you want in your own LJs but just don't do it here. At least not in a serious manner. If you're using one of the above terms for mockage, that's fine. Acceptable labels: Lamb/Veronica, Veronica/Lamb, V/Lamb, Lamb/V, Veronica/Don, Don/Veronica, etc.
3. See #1. Yeah, I really mean it.
And I would be remiss in not reccing the stories by my co-mod,
angel_grace, especially since she linked to mine. :-).
Sigma Epsilon Chi Sigma Epsilon Chi II: Nightstick Sigma Epsilon Chi III: Siren Song