May 12, 2011 01:09
At the end of their job - one that didn't end with them scattering to the four corners for a while, since it'd gone off without a hitch and the mark was unaware he'd been extracted on - Ari had approached Arthur and asked him if he wanted to go to dinner with Eames and him. It wasn't, exactly, a celebratory one, but it was what Arthur would likely assume it was, and so Ari took that cover without actually stating it.
(Ari was starting to pick up habits from Eames, it seemed.)
Once he'd agreed, Ari had smiled and told him they'd pick him up from the hotel - a little like an actual date, only with three people instead of two. As promised, they'd done so, and then taken him to a Moroccan restuarant in the area, and were seated together, Ari on one side of Arthur and Eames on the other, but since it was round Ari could still nudge Eames under the table if he wanted.
"So," he spoke carefully when their food arrived, "This isn't exactly just a 'yay-done-good' dinner."
who: a_silver_mirror,
arthurmun will hate these tags,
verse: touched,
who: littlspecificty,
verse: ot3,
omg dicks and trees