I'm Not a Stranger! Get In My Van plz.

Jan 13, 2006 21:31

Lemme start with a quote from The Stranger.

"I would rather not have upset him, but I couldn't see any reason to change my
life. Looking back on it, I wasn't unhappy. When I was a student, I had lots of
ambitions like that. But when I had to give up my studies I learned very quickly
that none of it really mattered."

This is what I had stirring around in my head earlier. "Am I just gonna become one of those drones that has a drab life for so long that he doesn't even try to change it because its become so routine?" is what I was thinking about earlier; mostly, right after I read that passage from the Stranger. After mulling it over though, I realized something that eased my worry: there is absolutely nothing wrong with routine for me. Whats paramount for me is making sure that routine leaves me a bit of time to spend with whoever makes me happy and leaves me time to do whatever makes me happy. I feel like i've spent way too much time worrying about my future not having enough wonder and excitement and not enough time actually enjoying the present and working hard on the classes and relationships I have right now. Monsieur Meursault probably conveyed a lot of truth when he said that you lose a lot of your ambitions once you settle down into your life routine; however, I feel that if I try not to expect such great things out of life and try to focus on making tiny great things happen right now, the dissapointment and shock of that sudden realization might be muffled. Anyhow, just thought i'd give some insight into whats goin through this ol head of mine. I highly recommend the Stranger by the way. The main character is about as real and honest as you can get so far. Its very interesting seeing how someone who is in total control of his emotions handles some of the most dramatic and absurd characters and situations that a person could come across.

I'm going bowling now!! Whats it called when you get 3 strikes in a row? CHICKEN!!!!!
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