Apr 18, 2007 13:03
I am so tired...school/life almost done yet? :-/
Just kidding about the negativeness...kinda. I'm ready to be done. Summer can come whenever it wants to!!
God is being so faithful, and really showing Himself, in a lot of things right now...I don't feel like going into them, but I just know how lucky I am to be in His arms.
Hope you guys are having a GREAT week!! :-) You missed the singing thing! It went well, though...that's a story all in itself, LOL.
I'm off to do (*gasp*) MORE homework, and maybe spend some family time and catch a quick nap. I really like those. ;-) God-time really has to happen, though...it's so hard lately to be dilligent in that. Maybe that "tired" factor has more to do with it than I think! But then I hate to think I'm that fickle to my Savior. :-/ You know? *sigh* Oh, humanity.