Yay! I'm a new fan, but for some reason, I've obtained this Popcorn Live Tour DVD and for the first time watched in its entirety an Arashi concert... and I was like: WOW! That's what you call PRODUCTION!
I've seen a number of concerts in my place and I always end up keeping watch of the technical side of the show like lighting, stage, camera shots, music mix, and the choreography. Though I admit I find it hard to do that sort of thing with the Popcorn DVD because those five boys keep my vision tunnel-like (haha!).
So in an effort to see the technical and creative side of the concert, I decided to watch it again and I'm grateful I did, because I've picked a lot of gems.
The show started with, tada! A VTR. As the show's title popped up the screen, the camera swept (tracked left) between the crowd. You can actually feel like you belong to that crowd, head raised, watching the VTR with sweet anticipation. It has that kind of feeling, really. That's a great start.
(Actually, it started with a number of spotlights turned on but I prefer people to see it in motion because it's a lot more breathtaking than when it's frozen by VLC's snapshot feature.)
The opening VTR revolves around the story of a peculiar factory manufacturing a rather peculiar kind of product. The factory workers are popcorns wearing clothes and they are creating something out of the human molds. In here you can see the molds baked in a large furnace. It would be tiresome if I include all the images relating to the manufacturing process, so I decided to choose this one.
(The shot is taken from one of the concert cameras so the picture is smaller.)
And the humans from the molds are...
And they were lined up together...
Sprinkled... (I wonder if they are chocolates or some kind of sweets)
And packaged.
Then the screen was slowly hoisted up...
And boom! The real thing!
Okay. They're not chocolates. They're life-sized dolls. But I wonder... why popcorn? :-D
Might be wondering why this one was included? The truth is, I can't seem to stop myself from taking screen shots whenever he appears on screen. Reason? I SIMPLY CAN'T RESIST. Ha ha!
And the life-sized dolls moved, ready for the show!
But I'll stop for now... The next post will come later. He he