Give me any fandom we have in common and I'll tell you:
1. The first character I first fell in love with.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don't.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates.
5. The character I used to love but don't any longer.
6. The character I would shag anytime/find hot.
7. The character I'd want to be like.
8. The character I'd slap.
9. A pairing that I love.
10. A pairing that I despise.
In theory, I'm supposed to wait for you guys to ask me, but I just want to fill it out for my current fandom, so I'm not going to sit and hope someone asks the one I'm wanting to do.
1. Omi was the first one that appealed to me, but I was watching to pick out an RP character for a game, and all of Weiß were taken. So it became Nagi once Schwarz showed up.
2. Omi again, because for a long time, again thanks to RP-related issues, I quite detested him.
3. Yohji. I like his character and all, but I've never gotten into all the hype about him.
4. Ouka. Or Sakura, take your pick. The girls get no love.
5. Nagi. Nothing particularly happened, just shifted interest.
6. Ken is hands down the hottest guy in the series.
7. Manx. She had the kickass assertiveness down pat while still being a sensitive and caring person.
8. Persia, out of sheer personal bias.
9. I like a lot of pairings, Omi/Aya-chan currently being the favorite. Yeah, I'm odd.
10. Despise is a pretty strong word. I have my small circle of characters I enjoy seeing in pairings and anything outside of that I don't really care for. Any combination of Ran, Yohji, Schuldig and Crawford is probably what I'm least interested in, which nicks me out of five fairly to highly popular pairings ^^;
I think it's interesting how much RP can influence how we feel about certain characters and pairings, working both ways. I've seen it make people hate characters they initially loved and vice-versa. Same with pairings. I went from indifferent to Omi/Ken to hating it with a passion to loving it more than any other all because of RP. And I discovered all there is to play with between Aya-chan and Omi or Mamoru thanks to RP. I probably never would have thought about them together on my own.
As far as other pairings I like, I think I'm most interested in pairs that involve Omi or Mamoru, the three favorites being Ken, Aya-chan and Ran. I kind of like Ken with Aya-chan, Yohji or Ran, but don't really like RanKen enough to actively read about it.
All that said, I utterly fangirl platonic dynamic between/amongst any of the Weiß boys.