The secret to Omi's cheerfulness

Sep 23, 2005 19:05

I have unlocked a great mystery to this boy, and how, despite being an assassin since the age of 12 and going through more angst than I care to list, he can keep his eyes bright and his smile wide.

He keeps a ray of sunshine in his closet.

Somewhere between my Weiß obsession and my Sims 2 addiction, I naturally wound up trying to build Koneko no Sumu Ie, which means lots of study of the building and its rooms, or at least the parts of it we get to see. I've been chugging along on this and, while like all things Weiß their home is full of little inconsistencies and tricks to work around or against, I'm pretty damn pleased with how it looks so far.

Then I hit the rooms and I was doing fine, got Yohji's done, got halfway through Omi's and then got distracted and went to finish putting the windows on the outside of the house. I was momentarily taken aback to find that I couldn't place the window in the middle of the wall because the current layout of Omi's room had a wall dividing that point down the middle. I did some toggling and got the wall moved back, so the window could now happily shine into Omi's room. That's when a rather large inconsistency hit me. We see model sheets of Aya's, Omi's, and Yohji's rooms, and NONE of them have but one window, and it's at the end of the long and narrow room right over their beds. Behold Exhibits A and B:

Exhibit A: Model sheet #1 of Omi's room
Exhibit B: Model Sheet #2 of Omi's room

Note the lack of a window on either side. However, if you look at Exhibit C, the model sheet for the outside of the building, this is impossible unless all three rooms are on a different level of the building and using the middle window, and that still doesn't explain where poor Ken stays! There are windows on every side, the minimal number being one up on the very top level, which I'd always envisioned as being where three of the four rooms were anyway.

But this didn't tell me how a window was supposed to be and not be at the same time. I puzzled over this for a few minutes, then complained at my husband (who is 31 today! <3 *Takes a brief moment to wish him a happy birthday here*), and then began to ponder again. I was feeling a bit stumped and finally it dawned on me.

It shines into his closet.

That's it. There's no other logical explanation for the window that only seems to exist on the outside. And if you look at the layout of the room, that closet is curiously placed to perfectly accomodate this solution. This is the key to keeping canon XD It lets the window exist on the outside without it being visible from the interior of his room. I toggled the wall that had triggered the problem in the other direction, and here's what happened:

So whenever Omi is feeling depressed or emo, he goes to his room and opens his closet, because you know, he can't go outside and let people see him frowning >.> Come on, work with me! Weiß isn't an easy fandom to explain!

humor, weiß kreuz, sims 2

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