Best-Laid Plans (Doctor Who/Star Trek XI)

Mar 06, 2012 06:29

Title: Best-Laid Plans
Author: foxrafer
Fandom: Doctor Who, Star Trek XI
Characters: Martha Jones, Ten, OMC, Leonard McCoy
Rating: PG
Word count: 1,000
Warnings: a bit of angst and some jeopardy
Disclaimer: All make-believe and not written for financial gain; the Doctor Who and Star Trek characters belong to their respective creators
Summary: It was one of those days where everything they did, every theory they'd made, turned out to be wrong. And now it meant Martha was forced into a decision she never wanted to make.
Author's note: In this universe Star Trek is our actual future; it wasn't a tv show. Written for challenge 10 at picfor1000. My assigned picture (© ruby.magnay) made me think of forms of communication.

Best-Laid Plans

dr who, challenge 10, star trek: reboot

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