Mr. T Doesn't Live Here Anymore [Psych, Rated G]

Feb 29, 2012 22:05

Title: Mr. T Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Author: Cait N.
Fandom: Psych
Rating: G
Summary: You don't mess with Gus' food, especially his cookies. Shawn should have learned the first time. (Takes place during season 4 before episode 4.16 "Mr Yin Presents.")

[my assigned photo]

Notes: This was actually written for the 8th Annual picfor1000 Challenge. I finally managed to finish it! Now all I have to do is finish my story for Challenges 9 & 10. *head desk*
Thanks to wanderingoutlaw for his beta work. Any remaining mistakes are my own.

( Mr. T Doesn't Live Here Anymore )

psych, challenge 8

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