Challenge #10: Assignment List

Jan 01, 2012 14:27

Here we go! This is the master list of all participants & their assigned photo. As with last year, each assignment is a link to a Flickr photo. Please be sure to refresh your knowledge of the challenge guidelines, as well.

If you signed up and your name isn't here, or if the photo you were assigned has been removed, please let me know ASAP and I'll fix it.

abbybanks --- picture
alex_beecroft --- picture
aprilvolition --- picture
arantia --- picture
art_brutal --- picture
aworldinside --- picture
azewewish --- picture
azraelz_angel --- picture
blythechild --- picture
briony_tallis --- picture
byslantedlight --- picture
caitn --- picture
callmeri --- picture
casey_sms --- picture
catwalksalone --- picture
cdn_tam --- picture
ceares --- picture
celli --- picture
chamekke --- picture
chickwithmonkey --- picture
clarelondon --- picture
comically_so --- picture
cornerofmadness --- picture
cosmic --- picture
da_angel729 --- picture
darkhavens --- picture
darthneko --- picture
delgaserasca --- picture
dogeared --- picture
dolimir_k --- picture
duckduck --- picture
eleanorb --- picture
elishavah --- picture
elsmoka --- picture
emerish --- picture
etacanis --- picture
etapa --- picture
fickery --- picture
forsweatervests --- picture
fox1013 --- picture
foxrafer --- picture
garnet_words --- picture
geneli4 --- picture
gladdecease --- picture
graculus --- picture
healielle --- picture
hippydeath --- picture
hyperfocused --- picture
inlovewithnight --- picture
innie_darling --- picture
ishie --- picture
jedi_of_urth --- picture
jordannamorgan --- picture
kathiann --- picture
kaylashay81 --- picture
ladyoneill --- picture
ldymusyc --- picture
lilbakht --- picture
linaerys --- picture
llassah --- picture
loveflyfree --- picture
maderr --- picture
maharetr --- picture
mardia --- picture
mareel --- picture
margo_kim --- picture
maverick4oz --- picture
medie --- picture
melayneseahawk --- picture
miriad --- picture
miscellany --- picture
moosesal --- picture
musesfool --- picture
nickygabriel --- picture
nopejr --- picture
notworthy --- picture
obeetaybee --- picture
obsessivemuch --- picture
olivia_j --- picture
oriolegirl --- picture
pluvial_poetry --- picture
pollitt --- picture
pretty_cynical --- picture
quiesce --- picture
reactormeltdown --- picture
rebecca_selene --- picture
rockcliffchic81 --- picture
roseclaw --- picture
runpunkrun --- picture
ruric --- picture
sageness --- picture
saintvic --- picture
sashalmiller --- picture
scribblinlenore --- picture
scrunchy --- picture
semisweetsoul --- picture
sententia --- picture
serrico --- picture
severinne --- picture
shadings --- picture
shadownashira --- picture
shrift --- picture
silverakira --- picture
siriaeve --- picture
slasher48 --- picture
solosundance --- picture
soundslikej --- picture
starry_starrrz --- picture
stellarmeadow --- picture
stharridan --- picture
summerstorm --- picture
suzy_queue --- picture
synnerxx --- picture
talkingtothesky --- picture
tangleofthorns --- picture
tellitslant --- picture
templemarker --- picture
the_disillusion --- picture
thepouncer --- picture
thestarsexist --- picture
theswearingkind --- picture
tieleen --- picture
topaz119 --- picture
trinaest --- picture
tsuki_no_bara --- picture
turps33 --- picture
valderys --- picture
vennefic --- picture
viennawaits --- picture
voleuse --- picture
wabbitseason --- picture
wanderlost --- picture
wickedwords --- picture
wishtheworst --- picture
withdiamonds --- picture
wojelah --- picture
x_erikah_x --- picture
xsmoonshine --- picture
yehwellwhatever --- picture
zebra_in_dream --- picture
zelda_zee --- picture


For those of you who are new, or people who've perhaps struggled with this challenge in the past (or perhaps people who just really like her), my dear friend and 10-time participant celli has composed a helpful post on how one can approach this challenge, including examples! Read it here: Celli’s Completely Unofficial but Highly Encouraged (and Slightly Blackmailed) Guide to Not Making Yourself Nuts Doing picfor1000

Also, for the first time, I have also created a brainstorming post for the challenge. Folks who are feeling blocked/uninspired by their image can ask for help from their fellow participants there. Feel free to jump in and help each other out; it might even help to get your own creative juices flowing!

General Guidelines

  • As always, all stories must be exactly 1000 words, no more, no less1. Any fandom, pairing, rating or genre is welcome, including crossover, RPF or original fiction.
  • The photos are intended to serve as inspiration; the subject of your photo can appear in your story, as part of the title, or simply act as a starting point -- in other words, photos need not be a literal part of the story! Feel free to gain inspiration from the title on the Flickr page, as well, or disregard it, as you choose. In short, just be creative and have fun! Again, check out this post by celli, or visit the brainstorming post if you need help.
  • If the muse strikes, you may write more than one story based on your photograph, but each must be a completely separate story of 1000 words. Your entry/entries can be part of series only only if each story can stand on its own.
  • All stories should be completed no later than February 29, 20122. Participants may post their stories any time before that, in whatever forum they wish, but must at least post a link here in the community.

Community Guidelines

  • This is an open community, and all participants in the challenge should join it. Participants are expected to either post their entire story here (behind a cut-tag, obvs), or post a link to the story here if it's posted elsewhere.
  • Please use the following header format when posting:
    Spoilers:(if any)

    You may also include pairings, ratings, disclaimers, author's notes, etc., if you want, but those are not required.
  • If you include the picture with your story, it must be behind an lj-cut. Also, please heed any rights/restrictions for your assigned image before using or posting elsewhere, and give credit where's it due3.
  • Participants should tag their posts with both "challenge 10" and the appropriate fandom.

If you have any further questions or issues with your image, please leave a comment on this post!

Good luck everyone, and thanks for playing!

1. We operate mostly on the honor system here, so you may use whatever method you like to count your words. As long as that method says you're at 1000 words exactly, you may consider yourself a #winner. (Disclaimer: winners do not receive a prize of any sort, beyond, you know... personal pride or whatever.)

2. Everyone gets an extra day this year, because leap year. Exciting!

3. Management is not responsible if the picture's owner comes at you, it what I'm saying. Follow rules, folks.

challenge 10, mod post

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