Baby Photos (HP; Ginny, Angelina, Fred II; PG)

Feb 11, 2010 22:43

Title: Baby Photos
Author: Nope
Fandom: Harry Potter
Spoilers: through DH epilogue
Summary: Do they look like harmless, non-alcoholic fizzy drinks?!

Baby Photos

It was a warm day in late summer and Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes echoed to the delighted sound of children and also to Ginny furiously demanding, "Do they look like harmless, non-alcoholic fizzy drinks?!"

Fred took another look at the now all but empty glass bottles, with their screw-tops and their dregs, hued from a golden cider-yellow to deep cherry-red, and nodded. "Uh, yeah? That's why I said--"

Ginny threw her hands up in disbelief. "You, of all people, should know better than to touch anything that moronic brother of mine leaves out unlabelled!"

"Oi!" complained Angelina. "If anyone's going to insult my idiot of a husband, it'll be me, thanks."

"You tell her, mum," Fred said, ingratiatingly.

Angelina snorted. "Don't think you're getting off the hook, either."

"We were just celebrating our OWLs," Fred insisted. "You said we could. You both said it!"

"Did we accidentally mispronounce 'be good' as 'drink things without knowing what they are while in an experimental workshop'?" Ginny asked scathingly.

"They weren't in the workshop; they were in that Muggle cooler thing Grampa rigged up for us, next to all the ciders. Not," Fred quickly corrected at the matching glares, "that we were going to drink the ciders. I'm just saying: bottles of harmless fizzy drink seeming stuff, right where fizzy drink stuff should be!"

Angelina sighed. "I am going to have so many words with George. He really needs to grow up."

Fred cracked up. Ginny and Angelina both glared until the laughter trailed off.

"Oh, come on! 'Grow up'?" Fred stared at them, incredulous. "You've got to admit that's pretty funny, considering--"

"I don't have to admit anything," Angelina said primly.

"It's both physically and emotionally true," Ginny added. "There's nothing at all humorous about this."

"Everybody else got turned into babies," Fred said, grinning at them. "It's hilarious!"

As if in answer, wailing cries filled the room.

"Judging by the smell, I'd say their diapers need changing," Angelina said. She stared pointedly at Fred, who just looked blankly back. "So you should get right on that."

"That's an intrusive invasion of my friends' privacy," Fred complained, and then looked thoughtful. Ginny, who was quicker on the uptake, deftly yanked the camera out of Fred's reach. "Aww!"

"Don't you 'aww' me, young Fred!" Ginny said, waving the camera warningly.

"Yes; if anyone is going to take photos of people for blackmail purpose, it's going to be me," Angelina said. Ginny and Fred both looked at her. "What? My husband's a baby!"

Fred made a shocked sound. "You were just saying he had to grow up! That's a bit two-faced, isn't it?"

"Of course not. I'm simply collecting evidence of the folly of his ways," Angelina announced loftily. "Anyway, he changed your diapers when you were a baby not so long ago. Turn about is fair play."

"...that's disturbing on so many levels," Fred muttered.

"It's for the greater good." Angelina made grabby hands at Ginny. "Gimme."

Ginny shrugged and handed the camera over.

"I don't think you're being very good examples," Fred said. "'Do as you say, not as you do,' is a rather hypocritical way of running things if you ask me."

"No one did," Ginny pointed out. "Now, help me transfigure these scraps of cloth into diapers."

"What scraps of-- Hey! Those were dad's robes!"

"They wouldn't fit him now," Angelina pointed out.

"I wasn't complaining," Fred complained. "I think that's a pretty cool prank."

"It's not a prank," Ginny said, carefully not looking at them. "It's an effective and efficient use of available resources."

"You sound just like Aunt Hermione when you do that," Fred told her. Angelina laughed and then pretended she hadn't. "Anyway, you don't need to do that."

Before they could get a word in, Fred's wand was out and suddenly there was less wailing and more surprised looking, pinkly-scrubbed, naked babies.

"Who got Outstandings in Charms and Transfiguration? Oh, right," said Fred, beaming smugly, "that would be me."

"Me too," said Angelina. "Would you like to compare potions marks?"

"I earned distinctions on my NEWTs," Ginny said, "so you can wipe that smirk off your face for a start."

Fred scowled at them both instead.

Ignoring this, Ginny asked Angelina, "How long before it wears off, do you think?"

"It could be anything from a few hours to days." Angelina picked a bottle up and sniffed it. "Just smells of cherries to me. I have no idea what -- well," she corrected herself, "I have some idea what he had to have used, because I've seen our stocks, but that's still a good four dozen possible combinations. And that's assuming he started with a simple inverted Ageing Potion."

Ginny suddenly grinned. "Remember the beards?"

Angelina laughed. "Oh, god, yes. Right down to their knees!"

"Beards?" asked Fred looking between them. "What beards?"

"It was a long time ago," Angelina said.

Ginny sighed and agreed, "A very, very long time ago."

Before Fred could ask again, Angelina gave Ginny a bright, somewhat forced smile, and raised the camera. "Come on. You can help me get a few good shots in, and then we'll see whether we need to call in at Mungo's."

"Yeah, okay." Ginny moved to join her. "You know how to use that thing, then?"

"It's pretty simple," Angelina explained, lifting it show her. "See, you just turn this to get it in focus, and then you press this button and--"

At the exact same time, Ginny and Angelina vanished downwards with rising shrieks; all the babies burst upwards, expanding into teenagers and adults; and the camera went off, taking the perfect photo of the sudden, nude crowd. Fred neatly caught the camera before it could fall, while there were shrieks, two from the new babies and the others from the girls rushing to grab up clothes. Albus just looked at her, raising a cool eyebrow.

Scorpius humphed. "Why do these things always end up with me naked?"

Fred beamed at them all. "Best. Prank. Ever."

challenge 8, harry potter

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