Happy Birthday, France!

Jul 14, 2009 10:12

In France, watching the Défilé militaire du 14 juillet right now.

Bon Anniversaire, Nii-chan ♥

↺ Today is Bastille Day!
↺ I really love looking up the exact hexadecimal values of flags :D
Tag for Happy Birthday, France pictures on pixiv
↺ Unfortunately, I can't draw a birthday pic for him, because my graphic tablet is at home in Hamburg and don't have a scanner here ;_;
↺ 15 days until France's character single release and my birthday :D
↺ omg, awesome parade, I love the aircrafts that are spraying smoke messages in the sky, in this case the French flag

france, hetalia, mai husbando ♥, in france, ilu

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