Mar 19, 2006 21:49
What a LONG week. Like nobody's business.
It wasn't even necessarily bad, more of an emotional roller coaster really, and WAY TOO FUCKIN BUSY.
I'm having some down thoughts lately, but hopefully they'll go away once some of this workload and fatigue dissapate. ^.^
I am extremely excited about my RPI acceptance, and it turns out I MIGHT get monies for U of Illinois too, so we'll seeeeee. : )
Nathan the Wise was amazing btw! I'm probably going to go see it again on Friday, so if you are free, you should come with!!!! Friday @ 8!
Soooo hyped about Disney next week. I have a GREAT bus, and the BEST ROOM EVAR.
So yeah, the present is a little down, but prospects are lookin up. ^_^ Prom, graduation, all-night Grad party, Confirmation, a JOB, summer... Man, I can't wait!
And the end all be all of course being COLLEGE IN THE FALL! W00TW00T!
Oh and my little bro is havin a rough time of it recently, so if you guys could spare a thought or (God forbid) a prayer for him, I would appreciate it.
This was long.... And I don't feel well anymore... *totters away to go die*