Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation of what the word means to you and why, and then pass out letters to those who want to play along.
K has been assigned to me by
Kite - kites remind me of one time when we went to a random big hill in the countryside with my Grandad and flew kites for ages...and many times down on Southsea common when I was a youngster. So I guess kites mean carefree and floatiness to me.
Keg - (closely related to barrels) keg reminds me of my neverending supply of rum aboard the Devourer and also caramel kegs in tins of Roses (made by Cadburys), which are indeed delicious and are scoffed by yours truly every Christmas.
Kiwi - I used to consume kiwi fruit all the time when I was younger and absolutely no other fruit.
Knitting - though I'm not so brilliant at knitting, my Granny was. She used to just sit watching TV with her hands going all over the place doing completely complicated patterns without even glancing at them and she never messed any of it up. She used to make clothes for my dolls when I was little and she knitted me a yellow cardi for Brownies, which I loved (at the time I loved bright yellow and it wasn't old fashioned style). My mum also knitted me the grooviest scarf which I wore way more than any of my other scarfs this Winter.
Knowing - not just knowing facts and things, but having everything out in the open and just being honest about stuff is very important to me.
Kick - as in Vodka Kick, means nights out and fun times to me. As well as one time when I kicked in a glass panel of a door when I was angry and got absolutely no wounds despite having bare feet. Also, kicking a hole in my bed (one with a material box base thing) ages ago.
Knackered - what I am most of the time...particularly early mornings at college. It's a running theme - everyone is knackered.
Kola Kubes - as made by Bassetts. These mean Fridays when I was little and got 50p pocket money from my miser father who acted as though giving me 50p me was a saintly act - going to the corner shop and spending that 50p on a quarter of sweets...kola kubes, lemon bonbons, tom thumb drops or pips.
Kittens - mean Simba to me. We got him from a rescue place when he was 9, but he is gorgeousness and I'm sure he would've been the most adorable kitten ever. Love him to bits.
Krikkit Wars - from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. They mean funniness to me - I love the whole story planet Krikket.