im crazy

Dec 07, 2005 21:46

im cold, even though my room is pretty wam. oh well, i have death.

today was alright. i was pissed this morning because i tried getting up early for the nationl honors society that they told us about last block yesterday, but i forgot to tell my dad i needed to be there early, so he didnt get up in time, and i gave up. rarr. but it wasnt that important. spanish was ok - ala and i are excited about pedro, whom you all will meet. history was boring, and my new seat is in the back of the room, in freaking siberia. we have a test tomorrow, ewww. english was ok, we worked in the library, and i didnt get much done, but i actually started my article. whoa. math was boring, and i almost died - every year i have a sickness, in this case death, that causes me to cough til i gag in one of my classes, and this year it just happened to be when j. lo was standing over me and jordan was right next to me. i freaked them out, i would've laughed if i hadnt been dying.  theory was pretty chill, didnt do much.

aah, in tutoring the girl i had was so freakin obnoxious. rarr. but annie came over after and we chilled for a bit. i canceled my flute lesson (i dont know, a late birthday present, im rebelling or something)  and we went out to this really yummy oriental food place in norwood. i had crispy pad thai, it was really really good.

so now im home, and sort of hungry. i dont know whats wrong with me, maybe its the death - i dont know if im hungry or not, its strange.

i should probably go study history. ugh. nothing happened with the dr. pepper nazi.

assembly tomorrow, on either smoking or syphilis. i think its smoking. anyway, it would be nice to get out of long block, but oh well.

'kay. ciao people. ;)  
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