im borrred

Apr 12, 2006 21:23

-VERY- random surveydo you like pillows?:very much so, especially moshi! ever met a talking squirrel?:no, but i was biffles with a talking chipmunk whats your favourite band spelt backwards?:sacinorev whats your sexual orientation?:straight have you ever seen a llama?:maybe.... geat the nearest book turn to page 8 and type line 4:there were, for instance, the architects who designed the nation's capital. do you wear short shorts:only at home can you make a card pyramid?:dont think i've ever tried what is your fathers name?:mike have you ever kissed a llama?:cant say that i have do you love me? of c'mon you know you do?:duh Ever done a random survey and accidently delete the whole thing?:probably Favourite vegetable?:cucumbers Last thing you bought?:other than food, a shirt Ever taken a survey as pointless as this?:yup Do you like green day?:yeah How many condoms have you bought this year?:0 Can you say the alphabet backwards?:yeah, just not very fast You wanna get high?:im already high on life Do you like llamas?:...are you high? Whats your favourite song in a different language?:Nave Espacial Ever fantasised about sex with someone famous? if so who?:sure....not telling! Should i dye my hair?:def totes Have you seen family guy?:some Do you own a llama?:yes actually Do you like rap? (ew):no Whats your mothers maiden name?:same as her current last name Star sign?:sagittarius can you rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time?:yes Whats your favorite breed of llama?:the stuffed animal kind do you own an ipod?:yes do you like this survey?:well, there are quite a few questions about llamas...not like thats a bad thing... like/hate george bush?:not a fan who do you think is totally hot?:NORBERT Do you think llamas could cross breed with ducks?:hahaha, i dont know, try it some time do you like your potatoes a. mashed b boiled c. made into chips or d. raw:dont care, potatoes are yummy do you like your nose?:eh whats the time?:well its gotta be close to midnight... are you bored?:im taking this survey arent i? what would you name your llama?:arnold Ever had sex?:no are you yawning right now? *yawn yawn*:now that you asked, yes what coulor are your eyebrows?:brown ever eaten dog food?:no how many llamas does it take to screw a llama?:dont want to know whats the stupidest thing youve ever done?:TEXAS! do you have a tatoo? if not what would you like to have one of?:no; a g-clef describe your favourite colour without saying it:its soo pretty, like the color of water in mexico can your tongue reach your nose?:yes Ever tasted a llama?:no whats more random than a random survey?:a llama can i ask you a question?:isnt that what you've been doing? if you have any siblings who is your favourite?:uh, the only one i have? ever bitten a teapot?:no Ever had a llama spit on you?:no do you want ear plugs?:no, im not like chinoa whats your best friends hair colour?:black with rust/copper highlights which came first the chicken or the egg?:your mom true or false i have a headache:i dont know, are you still high? Whats your favorite animal (It better be a llama or else!):dogs, and penguins are cute too what colour nose does rudolph the red nosed reigndeer have?:lime green, OBVZ How many lights are on in your house? (go check mister!):some do you go to church:noo tell me why you love eggs, without using the letter 'E':yummmy Ever heard the llama song?:no, but i'd like to do you eat human hands?:um, i bite my finger nails...? whos faster you or a snail?:i dont know, lets race do you like sporks?:who doesnt? what country do you live in?:Spain do you think llamas like pancakes?:probably is pork chop a good name for a pig?:how mean! are you in view of a microwave?:no choose one - rage or love?:looove do you wanna choke avril lavigne with her f****** tie?:no approximatly how many llamas do you think ive seen?:too many is 76 questions not enough?:depends on how bored you are do you eat paste?:no is santa evil?:no, just nonexistent have you ever typed:..... are you going to learn more about llamas?:in my life? prob Take this survey | Find more surveys
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