May 09, 2007 08:15
Ah yes, summertime. The time of year where I traditionally hide my pasty-white, not-well-shaped butt inside and wish I had gotten fit and tan so I could properly enjoy the beach.
This year, I hope to break with tradition.(1)
Starting today, I'm setting up a twice-a-day exercise routine. The morning after I arrive home from work will be basic stretching, jump rope work, shadow boxing, and sit ups (my waistline is in need of toning).
Afternoons when I awake I will exercise outside when possible to get some sunlight on my alabaster skin (2). It will include the more hardcore combat practice including swordplay and axework, staff combat, and sword and board with a day devoted to each style (3). Of course, jump rope work and sit ups will be included in the afternoon routine as well. (4)
To facilitate that, rather than spend some money left over from bills on video games or some other frivolities (5) I spent it on equipment for exercising: a weighted jump rope, a anti-skip CD player, and Pink's latest CD (6). I will also be setting up a diet plan as well, to help out my body by building muscle and not fat. (7)
The plan is not to bulk out - I really don't like the overdone body type on either a man or a woman. I'm hoping to hit just a general 'good health' level with a nice flat stomach to seal the deal - pretty much the kind of body type I'm looking for in a girlfriend. (8)
Wish me luck - hopefully I do better at this than I do on my drawing commitments. (9)