It's a Friday night. Do you know....

Sep 25, 2009 18:08

 ...where I am? And what I'm doing? This. Sitting in my room, posting to my blog and reading threads on Rav. The life of the car-less, it is so quiet sometimes.

I'm already in my sweatpants, though that may have something to do with how absolutely freezing it is in my room, and tea is being brewed. It looks like another quiet night here in Collins,  made especially quiet by the fact that my roommate's gone home, again. But the upside is, I can watch Doctor Who and listen to music out loud and giggle all I want. Downside? I can only watch the least terrifying episodes, and I'll probably end up sleeping with a light on.

Tomorrow is another game.  While I should be all "Yay! GameDay! Woot! Go Bears!", right now I can only manage kind of a half hearted "woo". I'm just so...tired. And my knee has started hurting again, which means that standing on the bleachers for at least 4 hours will just aggravate it, and me. Oh well. What has to be done is what has to be done.

Today was actually really good. No U1000, so after theory, (where, BTW, I think I did really well on the test) I had a nice long break. I went and got coffee, then sat in the swing outside the SUB and just...chilled. It was nice to be able to just chill, for once. Math went really well after that- we got a hundred on the class group assignment from last time, and I understand all the concepts for the quiz on Monday. All that's left to do the is online homework.

Today was the rehearsal dinner for Kim and Nathan's wedding. I'm so upset that I can't go. Sometimes, I hate band. It just gets in the way. I miss them- Kim and Nathan and Brennan and Zane and the youth group and DCC and everything. I'm having a great time here, I just miss them. I haven't been home once, and I've been here six weeks.  I can't believe I've been here six weeks.

I need to go grocery shopping this weekend. I need to buy applesauce to replace what I've eaten of my roommate's, more cheese for sammiches, possibly bananas and definitely Sudafed. Well, maybe the Sudafed after the first of October. Stuff's 'spencive.

We had our first rehearsal on this concert's music. It....could have gone better. But we did find out that next cycle we're playing Kingfishers Catch Fire. I'm so excited. I'd better (*prays*) get piccolo on that one. I love it. This concert is in 7 (now 6) rehearsals- and I have a solo. Not a large one, not one to freak about, but still. I'm excited. I hope I do well enough that I can stay on the front row (first or picc! hopefully) for the next concert. But what happens, happens.

Advisement for next semester is on Monday. I'm going to talk to Dr. Alexander about the Oxford thing. I really hope I can make this work. I've been wanting to travel forever, and to be able to travel and get classes over with would be amazing.  Here's to hope.

I'm drinking tea right now- and debating whether or not I should LJ cut this. Should I? I don't think I will.

BUGWB webcomic is up! I think it'll be a weekly, unless a second artist joins. The first one is here- Tales from the Edge (Field) #1. Do go read it!

I'm out for now, but I may come back and edit this if anything happens.


injuries, music, moods, shopping, football, band, bugwb, bugwb webcomic

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