Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011.

Dec 31, 2010 19:26

This year has been a very interesting, odd, strange, stressful, wonderful, and crazy year.

Baylor went to a bowl game, I suffered from anxiety, Baylor went to the Final Four, I made Symphony, I met some special people, BUGWB imprinted iteself on my heart, I discovered Doctor Who, I fell in love with cars again, I started 3 blogs and update two of them, I watched Craig Ferguson until I couldn't, my GPA fell then I brought it back up, my knee went out, I made plans for Austria, I went to Washington DC, I fell in love with music again, I learned to not be afraid of driving, I lost a friend, and another moved, I found a place and now have to pray that I can stay there, and I grew up.

To some of the people on Livejournal who I've met this year
-alierakieron : I'm so very glad I read down to the page where your comment was on cleolinda 's page. It's been so fun to read your story, and watch your writing style evolve. It's also so fun to have someone to squee over cars with, and to have someone encourage me to do something that I wouldn't have done otherwise. GearGirls would have never happened without your support, and I'm excited to see where it'll be this time next year.
-bewarethespork I hope you see this, and I miss you around on LJ. Your comfort and support, espically in the beginning of the year, meant so much to me. I'm sad that I wasn't around more of the fall, and I hope that I can remember to update my own DW at some point because I miss talking to you!

To the others out there, I've really enjoyed reading your posts, and seeing your thoughts on life.

Best wishes for the New Year!

And now, I must get back to my newly decided New Year's Eve tradition- TOP GEAR MARATHON!

To 2011- Please be good? Plzthxbye


top gear, much love, 2011, year wrap up, friends

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