I may actually start posting again, whaddya know.

Jul 12, 2010 19:40

Look, it's me! I haven't been around much, and for that I apologize.

I'm using my new Müller icon, because he is epic win and awesome like that, and I made and I'm pretty proud.

The World Cup is over and I already miss it. Sometimes I wonder if I like proper football so much as a reaction to the inanity that is American football, but then I decide to stop thinking and start yelling at my tell really loudly. I'm already ready for 2012 and the European Cup and the 2014 World Cup. I can't believe that I will have graduated college by the next World Cup. It's a little crazy to contemplate.

I made way too many Müller icons last night. If anyone wants an adorable Thomas Müller icon, just ask?

On to NON-WORLD CUP NEWS, for those who are bored by football.

I had a decent week, last week. There were only a few days that were really bad, and none of those were as bad as the week before so..that's an improvement, I guess? Of course, there was World Cup to distract me, (and though I don't only watch for the pretty, it is a bonus) and I've been doing pretty well at work recently, so...it's been decent.

Earlier today, I had a good idea for a very long entry about body image, but I can't remember everything I was going to say. I may write it later tonight, we'll see. There's a new Late Late Show, so we'll see how much I actually get done. I do know that it will be a lot easier to keep this updated since I won't be having to do homework every night. It'll be good to be back here, as long as I avoid certain areas.

I may either post a handwritten entry or a very in depth discussion of how I view myself, depending on my mood. We'll see.


depression, craig ferguson, moods, world cup 2010, müller

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