Disjointed Ramblings

Jan 20, 2010 21:38

 I was going through my old entries, and noticed that all my userpics from before January had disappeared. I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to go back and put icons to all of those, or if I'm too lazy to. I think that if I get really bored one day, I'll go back and re-assign pictures, but until then, it'll just have to be the default.

It's really annoying that I have to wait until April to be able to get Hamlet on DVD. If only I had a multi-region player, but those are extremely expensive. (I think).

I was finally able to watch the end of Hamlet. I've read the play, I know the ending, but still. It makes me cry. Just the whole emotion in it, the whole feeling of dying for nothing, the fact that Hamlet was killed at the end just after he had gotten his revenge. Things like that make me wish I could write like that.

Today's been one of those days. Not bad, just exhausting. The fact that my practicing this week has been feeling horrible, and the fact that I was getting hungry and dizzy by the end made this lesson fairly horrible. It wasn't that she got mad, it was that she was disappointed. and I hate to disappoint. It was doubly frustrating in that I know I've done the work, I know I've practiced. I got nervous, and my fingers stopped working, and I suddenly couldn't seem to put enough air through the horn.

They've been showing ads that proclaim that Grande (our cable provider) is getting the "Outdoor" channel. Yippee! (/end sarcasm). I'd like to know why we can get this random channel, but we still can't get BBC-A. I know I'm a little odd, but I can't be the only person in Waco who'd really like to watch BBC-A.

It's been really hard for me to write lately. I don't know why! I just can't seem to get enough together that's not complaining for me to write about, and I don't want to bore my readers with a constant stream of "Oh my life is soooo hard", because it really isn't. I have nothing to complain about, and most of my issues are cause by myself and here I go doing exactly what I said I wouldn't.

Well, I think that I'm going to stop stressing and see if not writing helps me write.



blah, life, bbc, shakespeare, writing, got to be kidding

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