My thoughts, let me show you them.

Jan 13, 2010 14:15

 It's not even been a full week of classes, and I've already skipped chapel. It was for a (semi) decent reason, though!

I thought I was all together this morning, but I guess I'm still not completely ready for my 8 AM classes, seeing as I went to theory without a notebook or the workbook. Then I realized, thanks to someone else in my percussion methods class, that we had to take the practice pad to methods today. So I ended up going back to my room and getting the percussion stuff, and while I was there, doing my religion reading, instead of going to chapel.

We learned how to hold the sticks today! I'm so ridiculously excited about this class. I don't even know why. I think it might just be my favourite class this whole semester, which is saying....something. Intro to Music Ed seems pretty cool, too, which reminds me. I need to write about the best and the worst teachers I ever had.

I might just write about that here, since nothing supremely exciting, besides me making more David Tennant icons and having another amazing egg lunch and learning how to hold snare sticks.

I think I might do my Music Ed assignment here, just to work on it, and because I feel so passionately about what it is. I will cut it for space, though. Follow the cut, people. :)

My best teacher I ever had was actually two teachers. (How does one make that grammatically correct when one is going from singular "My best teacher" to plural "two teachers"? ...were two teachers? ...was two teachers? Or do I just give up and re-write the sentence? I think I might. Ok, here we go...) I actually had two teachers who were what I consider my best teachers ever. They were actually both high school band directors I had-Dr. Shine and Mr. Brandon. Mr Brandon was my 9th grade director, and was responsible for basically giving me a swift kick and telling me to get my act together. In 9th grade, I wasn't exactly what you would call "together". I was competitive, but didn't care about school. I was a jerk, and a know it all, and I had fallen in with a crowd of people who were extremely detrimental. I was, quite possibly, one of the worst students that a director could get. I wanted things handed to me- I thought I should be first chair because I was special and talented, but I didn't want to do the work to get there, and I didn't care about my grades. But both of my directors cared enough to make me accountable for my actions, to make me want to practice, to not let me get away with the things I'd doing in other classes, and they instilled a love of music in me that is the reason that I am a music education major. I would not have made All State twice, once as first chair overall, if it hadn't been for them both urging me to live up to my potential. They are my examples for how I want to teach, when I am a high (or Jr High) director.

The worst teacher I had was my second grade teacher. I cannot even remember her name, but I learned from her that you do not ever try to diagnose your students (never mind the fact that it's illegal, and my parents, if they had known then, could have caused her serious consequences). She was convinced that I had ADD, and told my parents several times that I should be on Ritalin, even though I had already been looked at by my doctor, and he said I didn't have any kind of disorder, besides dysgraphia . This would have been bad enough, but she told them this in my hearing, and treated me as if I had ADD. Now, I have always tried to live up to people's expectations, and this includes living down to them too. Because she treated me like I had ADD (and not in the let me help you way, in the let me be extra strict to you), I acted like it. I was hyper, and didn't follow directions, and acted like a textbook case of ADD. Now, I am not putting down those of you out there who do have ADD or ADHD or anything like that, but I know that I do now, and I know that Ritalin would not have helped me one bit.

(TL;DR: Basically, all that text is my Intro to Music Education assignment, on my blog. So if you didn't read the cut, that's what it was. Well, and some grammatical pondering.)
Sigh. Pointyness over with.

I made a new DT icon! I don't have it up yet, but it is teh pretty. And it shows his freckles. Freckles, y'all. I wish I had freckles. That, and red hair. But my skin is the total wrong colour for that, sadly. It's upsetting, I know.

I need to go to Wind Ensemble soon, so I think I'm going to finish up here.


doctor who, music, eight in the morning is too early, squee, sleep, scheduling, music education, thoughts

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