Wednesday is....over.

Oct 28, 2009 20:10

 Wednesday is over. I can breathe a sigh of relief. Well, it's not technically over, nor am I done with the stuff I'm doing, but my lesson and BUGWB are over, and I did my musicianship homework. At 10:15, I'm heading over to Common Grounds to hear a band made of band people (All I heard was that. I couldn't really hear the rest at announcements today), and then I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. I will do that. I will not watch Castle or Firefly or Doctor Who. I will go to bed.

Today was actually pretty decent. I understand (and have actually started on) the theory, and I'll be able to help other people with it. I did fall asleep in chapel, but, in my defense, the speaker's voice was really soporific. Maths went well, with today a) finishing up early and b) the fact that I already knew what she was teaching today. I took notes anyway, so that if I freak out and forget it the day of the test I can study.

I can't belive that there's only three weeks left until Thanksgiving and then only ONE! week after that until Christmas. ONE WEEK! It's a little bit insane. My brother will be so frustrated by my being back, and sleeping, while he's still in school. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself over the holidays. I'll have already finished up term, and so I won't have finals studying to do, and I probably won't know what to do for my next semester classes. Well, I'll be buying books, but I hopefully should only have to buy two, seeing as the theory and musicianship and piano books stay the same. But other than that, I'll be able to relax, and it will be AWESOME.

My feet hurt. I don't know why, but my whole body seems to be rebelling. My left side aches, and the tendon in my right foot is acting up again. But oh well. I can't let that stop me. I've got too much to do! Friday is the Halloween organ concert, and I'm excited about that. I'll probably still be in costume from BUGWB, but that'll be fine.

BUGWB this Friday is costume, so I'll be using my cheap college costume- a kitty. Black shoes, black tights, black skirt, black shirt, ears, and a tail (if I get motivated and make it). I'm pretty excited, seeing as that's the closest to Halloween I'm going to get this year- DMI is the next night, and I'll be dressed to help out, not to get candy, though I might get some anyway. You never know how these things are going to turn out.

So I have about an hour, give or take, until I'm heading to CG, and I got all dressed and ready. Oh well, better early than late.

Things to do, people to see.


fail, weather, cold, homework, moods, college, halloween, wednesdays are made of fail, home, bugwb

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