So Excited. :D

Oct 14, 2009 19:46

Normally, I wouldn't stoop to using emoticons in my titles. But today, I had to.

Today is finally over. It seemed like it would drag on and on, keeping me from being able to rest.

Theory went well,  and he didn't assign us any homework over the weekend, which is wonderful indeed. So all the homework that I have is just the math, and I'm halfway done with that.

I have no classes tomorrow, and two midterms that I feel pretty okay about, then I get to go home!!!! I'm so happy to finally be able to see the show in person, instead of just online.  I can't tell you how absolutely thrilled I'm going to be when I get to see them! And I might get to see my best friend, who I haven't seen in far too long, this weekend too.

I just brewed some more tea, in a (vain, I think) attempt to get enough voice, and pitch holding ability, to pass my musicianship midterm tomorrow.  I'm feeling less sure about my piano test, but at this point what happens happens. At least, even if I'm still shaky on the repertoire pieces, I know my scales backwards and forwards and two handed.

I'm trying to decide which suitcase I need. I think, especially since I'm taking a crazy huge bag o'laundry, I'll just use one of my smaller zip bags. It is just a weekend, after all, and I can wear jeans to church.

I'm so excited about going to church. I hadn't been this last three weeks, what with late games and concerts. But now I have a ride, after Fall Break, to another church, and this weekend I get to go to DCC and see everyone! Kim, and Nathan, and the whole gang!

I'm listening to our (2008-09 DHS W.E.) recording of the Feste Roman. I love it so. I miss that kind of music. I know, I'm playing decent stuff with Symphonic, but I am allowed to miss my HS. I am.

BUGWB failed today. It was 90, humid, and I was stuck in jeans. It really, really failed. And then we had to learn the Thriller dance. And, as we all know, I am superbly uncoordinated. I manage to jump the wrong way 5/4 times. Yes, 5-out-of-4 times. I jumped when I wasn't supposed to once. Fail.

I'm also looking forward to real food. Really real food. Like Babe's Chicken, and my dad's hamburgers, and all sorts of yum. Real food makes me want to eat again. *smile*

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. And, I need to brew more tea.


fail, life, happy, tea, college, sick, midterms are gross, home, bugwb

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