Long, Good Day

Oct 09, 2009 22:40

 It's been a long, good day.

This morning I woke up feeling inexplicably better, so much better that I actually didn't have to force myself to go to theory to take the midterm. I even went to maths, but I'm pretty sure I bombed the quiz. I remembered enough theory- just..not the correct way to fix a problem with a particular rounding system in voting. But she apparently drops a crazy number of grades, so I should be able to keep at least an A, if not an A+ in there, which is great news for my GPA. I missed everything yesterday, but I'll be going back on Tuesday to catch up.

I went to Symphonic, but not to BUGWB. The reason? It's cold! Like, cold for October in Texas. It only ever got up to 60 today, and that was at 8 in the morning. It's currently 55, which means that it won't be as cold tomorrow, but I didn't think it was a good idea for me to be out in the damp (oh, it rained too. Did I not mention that? Poured like the Dickens. Cold and wet and thank goodness for rainboots, I suppose. Puddle walking is fun.) and cold and wind with this stupid cough I've got hanging around.

I really need to tidy up, did I say that? I really should- not fair to Hil to have my shoes and boots all over the place- well, all over my side of the room, but still. Wrecks the atmosphere. So that's what I'll be doing tomorrow, in between resting and doing...things I haven't decided on yet. I have a postcard to write for someone, and some other things to do. Along with more tea to drink, and this stupid low grade fever I'm pretty has wandered in and out all day. But I took some Mucinex and Advil earlier, so that should do some good.

I'm listening to some Billy Joel- it is nice to be able to blare my own music once in a while. It's too bad I can't sing along, but my throat hurts too badly to try that. Plus- I'd be horribly out of tune. Nasty. No one wants to hear that.

I had soup tonight- yummy soup. Caro took me to HEB right after band, and I was able to pick up enough to get me through this. And she made me buy orange juice, which was probably a good idea. Never can have enough orange juice.

I'm actually about to brew some more tea- that and settle down to watch some Doctor Who. Not any of the more terrifying ones, probably something like "Partners in Crime" or "Smith and Jones" or "TCI" or something. Something with grinny Ten.

OH! I tried Common Grounds' hot chocolate today and it was amazing! Awesome! So that's a good thing, but the better thing is Mom's bringing me some of her hot chocolate mix on Sunday. I've missed it like crazy.

I miss home- the kitties and the daft, loveable dog, and the band and my church (oh God, I've missed DCC.)....I've missed it. Not that I don't love it here, because I do, and I think of it as home too. Like...secondary home, if that makes any sense. But I need to see my cats, and my (old) band, and my familier streets, and my church, just so I don't forget them. I have roots there, and I'm not *that* anxious to sever them. (Look at me, trying to use Rav coding to italicize. :/ ) I'm so glad I get to go home next Thursday- spend three (Three!) nights in my proper bed, with my proper kitties (one of which will probably ignore me, and the other will permanently attach herself to me) (the third is a bit...aloof) and have a chance to go to church and see all the people that I miss. I hope I get to see the Lowes (The Lowes! I'm so happy for them!). And it'll be a little bit heartbreaking to see the band- knowing I can never experiance that kind of...excellence again.(At least until I'm teaching band, and then I have a a high bar to reach for, thanks to DHS.)

Quoting myself here. To any, and all members of any kind of competitave marching group, but to members of the DHS Marching Band (Where Pride Makes The Diff-Er-Ence!!!!!!)You have something special, and don't forget it. Don't ever forget it.

So don't. I won't. I loved my time in the Band Where Pride Makes The Diff-Er-Ence, and I can tell you that it does. Because while BUGWB is great fun, and I love the people I've met in it, there is (sadly, and I love you, Dr. O, and if by some chance some BUGWB-er reads this, I still love y'all, but this is just how I feel.) just not that same feeling. That same feeling of driven expectations, that same level of cooperation, the feeling of elation. There's just not. I'm not used to doing shows for fun, I guess. Thanks to Dr. Shine, Mr. Brandon, and the rest (not that I don't care, I'm just too lazy to type everyone's names) I view marching band as a responsibilty, one to be taken completly seriously. No joking around. And I would have put up a much larger fight against missing practice than I did this week, if I was still competetive.

I miss Wind Ensemble,  too. Though that's just a little bit more selfish- I wish I was still a part of the best. One of the best. A member of the best.

I miss nothing else about DHS (well....except for the Gs, and my friends, and the Struncs and Mrs. Hensley and...well everything but the general population) but I miss the bands. You are what have inspired me.

Other than that, today's been good. And I really should put my sweats on. I forget the important things, sometimes.


sick, college, tired, dhs, bugwb, tea

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