My Culinary Match?...

Mar 12, 2008 14:42

or...My First Attempt at Food Blogging (*secret looooooover*)
Meringue cookies: I will beat you!  ...Tomorrow probably.
I think I just added the sugar too quickly, or maybe had my mixer at too high a speed.  I got the soft peaks, but now I can't get the lovely firm peaks that are needed before you can put them onto a cookie sheet.

The KitchedAid has been going for a good 10 minutes and I've been left with a sugary soup.  Somehow, this has gone wrong.  Oh well, I just wanted to use the egg whites from the yellow cake I made yesterday.  We'll try again tomorrow, as I have to make half of the yellow cake recipe again.

Frothy goodness (add cream of tartar)

Lookin' good!

Now for the sugar, I'm thinking that this is where I went wrong...

A little soupy.  Better luck next time!


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