(no subject)

Aug 02, 2006 14:33

Just what the title says. First it was Gaia Online, now neopets. (by the way, thank you to everyone who logged on to gaia and helped up my scores!!!) I logged on to Neopets today and had tons of messeges from users asking for my account, items, neopoints, etc because someone had gone on the boards and posted that I was giving all my stuff away and that they should neomail me if they wanted it. Soooo, basically, I'm making all my web presenses (with the exception of DA, myspace which I only use very rarely and this journal) friends only. They (assuming it's the same person) have also attempted to sign up my old email (the one on my site) up for hundreds of newletters. So it's a good thing I don't use that account anymore.

Buuuutttt, I was able to contact the owner of the newletter site and get the IP of the offending party (which luckily, was a fixed ip). Furthermore, we (the website owner helped... apparently this is a common problem for him) then contacted the service provider and lodged an official complaint. So when all was said and done, the offending party will be receiving a written warning in the mail with their next bill and if any more problems are logged from that ip, they get their service terminated. Soooo, if the person doing this is reading this now, expect a nice little letter in the mail and knock it off, or I'll do everything in my power to see that your internet is cut off. Brawr.

Yeah, I know, I'm cranky lately. It's hot and buggy and just not my time of the year. And I can't go outside because of really local West Nile outbreaks (I mean like within ten miles of my house). So on top of everything, I'm bored. On the slightly upside, I'm going to Norway in a week and a half. I say slightly, because I'm a little freaked out about flying.

I never used to be, but coming back from my last trip to London, we had an engine failure that dropped the plane several hundred feet before it kicked back in. Scared the hell out of both me and BJ. Luckily, we were only flying to Berlin, so it was a short flight, but still.... scary.

Hmmm, apparently, we'll be flying northwest right when they're supposed to have a strike >-< Whee, layovers...

Hmmmm, what else has been going on... not much, actually. Last week, it was about a hundred degrees and really humid every day, so I stayed in. I don't think we even went out to grocery shop, come to think about it. Wow, now that I think about it, I don't think I've left the house in two weeks... no wonder I'm bored and cranky...

Heh, now that's ironic... I became a recluse because I was frustrated by the behavior of other people and yet look, what's my main frustration right now? Some person trying to wreck my internet accounts... hmmmmm....

Ahhh, I should go work on my studio website... I've been redoing the whole thing since I don't need it as a news site anymore, but it's going to be a little while before I can take it live. It'll be cool when I get done with it, though ^-^
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