Sep 11, 2004 15:53
Brenda and I broke up last saturday, so a week ago today. It's probably for the better although it kicked off a series of unfortunate events that I can hopfully overcome and eventually get out of this funk. Far too much has occured this past week for me to relay to you all, mostly because I've told the story far too many times to those around me. I've taken this time that I've had alone to come to a few conclusions and basic philosophies that I'm going to follow for the remainder of my days.
One: "Say what you mean and mean what you say."
-This is important for anyone to do. It will save a lot of time, confusion and heartbreak.
Two: "Brutal honesty is better than white lies."
-I would rather be given the harsh realities of life straight away and straight to my face than find out about things later and be hurt that someone didn't think I could handle the truth.
Three: "You are the first person you should trust. Never doubt your emotion because you know yourself best"
-Don't make yourself live a life you're not happy with. If you're giving more than you think you aught to, you probably are.
So I guess this week from hell hasn't been wasted. I will benefit and grow from every minor (because these are minor events in the grand scheme of things) tragedy of this week and hopfully Brenda and I can stay friends. She's a good person, from what I can gather and I'd hate to loose that.
Peace out to everyone and if I don't look like my normal self, check me on it; I need to learn to put things in perspective...