A Day In The Life...

Oct 24, 2002 00:40

I'd actually started detailiing the events of today, and decided to stop around eleven thirty, when I realized how utterly boring it would be to anyone reading it.

So, a few observations instead.

1) the good thing about wearing pigtails to bed is that i don't have to worry about fixing it in the morning. this saves a lot of time. :)

2) at one of my bus stops today, I saw an old woman smokiing. after a couple of cigarettes, she reached into her pocket and put on a pair of what at one time was probably a nice pair of gloves, but now missed most of the fingertips... this image stuck in my head all day long and vaguely disturbed me. :(

3) guys...if you think i'm cute, that's very nice and i appreciate the sentiment. it's also okay to ask me out, but if you use "how much is this?" as an opening line, it's probably best if "this" doesn't have the words "KAMA SUTRA" anywhere on it. just a tip. :P

4) is it *really* that amusing that I like Prince???? O_o (a couple of co-workers seem to think so)

5) i'm a 'tard. this is not so much a revelation as something i'm just always aware of. ;)

6) i recently discussed much crush-related stuff with someone i never would have expected to speak of these things with. this has me thinking at alternate moments, that it was cool to talk to them about more than just bullshit, and wondering what kind of alternate universe collapsed for it to have occurred. ;)

7) Mon Amour Violet mints rock my casbah.

8) i have a thing for vintage lingerie.... it's knd of hard to find it in my size and in good shape for a decent price, so it always bums me out when a favorite peice shows signs of impending retirement. with that said, i give a moment of silence to my favorite bra, as the lace is badly in need of repair. :(

9) tonight i started in on making dinner around ten o'clock. by eleven fifteen not only was everything finished, and eaten with leftovers put away, but the dishes were done and the trash taken out. go me and shit. (woo hoo!)

alright... bed in an hour and a half. i think i will read more of my new book and possibly scribble some notes for the novel i'll attempt to write next month. so far i'm pretty happy with how the characters are turning out, though they're coming from some fairly unexpected places. i kind of like that though, makes it more fun to play with them. :)

oh yeah.... Pink Week (November 10th - 16th) will soon be upon us!!!!! :D Everyone reading this that tells me of a way they plan to participate gets on my Super Cool People List. People in other areas who are willing to be "Ambassadors of Pink" and distribute flyers or tags will get extra brownie points. :)

Sunday I am going to go to Gioia's to help cut out tags and talk of pink things.... I think it's so cool that she does this. :D
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