(no subject)

Oct 22, 2002 14:12

I must ahve been really tired last night.

I feel asleep watching "Manhunter".

Eh, the critics can say what they will, I thought "Red Dragon" was better. Better pacing, better acting "Manhunter" just seemed really stiff and plodding, two things that I just don't think work when it comes to suspense :P

(Maybe it makes sense that i fell asleep after all.)

At the moment, I am procrastinating. I know I should be eating breakfast (lunch, by this hour?), or getting showered and dressed, or cleaning up the mess that sprouted last night while trying to pick my outfit for the show tonight, or making my bed, or uhm...somethig constructive, but instead I am sitting here babbling to y'alls and telling Seven G about how using big words helps me convince people i'm dumb enough that i can get away with all kinds of brilliant plots. :P

(See...*this* is what happens when I feel like being a dork and only one person on my budy list is online. ;) )


I think I should reformulate my Plan To Take Over The World (Or At Least Sacramento) soon. Everyone should have a hobby, right?

I think I'll wait untill December though. I, master of the one scene, two page (at most) story, was enough of a brainchild to sign up for National Novel Writing Month, so that should take up most of my "free" time next month.

I'm not expecting it to be good, in fact it'll more likely than not be downright painful to anyone who choses to read the sucker, but i want to say i was able to do it. Like, doing it in *some* manner, even if it sucks, will maybe prove that I can do something that possibly *doesn't* suck, which would be kind of kickass.

I've got the general idea of what's going to happen, and templates for some characers i may or may not use. so far i know of four that will definately be there, but some of the "minor" ones i've come up with might be left out.. we'll see.

and now, because Joana does it so well, I'm goint to write some letters!

Dear Tower,

Please get your finances in some fucking order so that I don't have to find a second job to work on all my days off and go crazy from a lack of "me-time". I am probably one of a handfull of your retail employees that not only gives a shit about what they do, but doesn't come in under he influence so please don't fuck me over.

Thanks -

The Idiot Savant of store 312.

PS- please fire Matthew.


Please stop with the hand-wringing and repetition. Also, if Sugadaddy gets pssed at you, there's nothing I can do about it. I no longer live there so I can't be held responsible.

Also, I am *ALWAYS* "careful" and quite capable of making anyone who crsses me regret it, so chill out a bit.


Dear Fellow Residents Fans,

Please have some respect for the other people attending the show this upcomming Halloween. If you want to get baked, please do so ahead of time, and not in a proximity that will cause me to have a repeat of last year's show. I do not appreciate spending money I can barely afford to see my favorite band, only to be forced out due to people whose insistence on smoking weed causes my heart to do all kinds of Not Happy things, like race out of control or stop. I know I bitch a lot but I *do* knd of like living and would hate to stop thanks to an idiot with some herb.

Thanks In Advance

The Girl Who Likes A Steady Heartbeat

Dear Hair,

Please stop growing so fast. The roots are becoming embarrassing and I can't afford to bleach you again untill November. Also, it'd be nice if the colors white, grey, and silver would slow down a bit. Especially in that patch near the front. :/


The One That Decides What Shampoo And Conditioner You Get

To: My Brain
Cc: My Heart

Subject: Why The Fuck Are you Doing This To Me?


I know we rarely see eye to eye on this sort of thing, but please, for once, could you *not* have me crush on someone so completely unnatainable? Please find someone a little more reasonable to get twiterpated over so I won't feel like so much the dork, mmkay?


The Head Honcho


Okay, so they werent' as entertaining as Joanna's, i'm okay with that. ;)

Wow... I've been sitting here for kind of a long time.

Maybe i should get my ass into the shower so I can hustle my ass into Sacramento and get the bare minimum of Things I Should Do done before the Ass Baboons of Venus show tonight. :)

I really don't want to do anything but go to the show, but i know i have to so bah. :P

Actually, I take that back. I'd like to sit here and work some more on the mood icons i'm making for when i once again have a paid account. it's takng more time and work than i thought it would, but i think they're cute so it's okay. :)

Alrighty... this time i mean it. i'm walking away from the keyboard.

Trying, anyway. :P
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