Who would have thought that is what I would ever be? I have changed so much. My looks, my personailty, my values, just all around me. Some things never change though. I still respect myself, I still would do anything for my friends & family, and still love having fun. What has changed is what I consider fun, and who I consider friends & family.
Often flashbacks, and things I see remind me of old times.. some of the best times. Old friends I miss, and wish for things to work themseleves out. That one summer.. that spring where so much happened, so many first's.. Friend's that stand by you. Two people I miss soo much: Melissa and Rachel. They were both such big parts of my life.. and I still wish we could be close as we all once were. I still imagine what they'd think of something, or remember something I am doing. I just want to call and see how they are doing. They are still the only two people who really know me.. Out of everybody in this world.. They know the real me, they know my past, nd watched my change. They know how and why I came to be the way I am. They both don't care anymore which is realy horrible.. I hope one day they realize I never meant for this shit to happen and we can all be friends again. I love them so much still, and would do anything for them.
Wow I didn't realize how much I have been thinking about them latley.. I guess doing something things makes you really think. I have been thinking so much latley.. I feel like an icebox that gets burned.. which doesn't makes sense but it does.
I'll be back to give a real update when I am not so tired.
I miss you guys. L