-My chronic bad mood, i.e. PMS syndrome but for the whole month...
-adjusting to paying mortgage, and getting used to being poor
-my back, for some reason my matress and I have had an ongoing dispute for days
-dealing with my OCD workout sessions
-those jeans / pants in the "back" of the closet that haunt me (back in the days of size 1)
-the fat close that I have to wear instead (and not just during "the bloated week, but all month long")
-the Thanksgiving food that just won't go away
-the pies that are starting to mold because I refuse to eat them
-the bathrooms that I have been ignoring and need to clean
-the laundry pile that puts any garbage dump site to shame
-the fact that I busted my "good" straightening iron in England and now have a crappy one that doesn't work so well
-not having enough $$ to buy another "good" straightening iron
-The county assesors office for "informing" me about a supplemental tax bill heading our way in addition to our ridiculously high property tax bill
-the fact that I bite my hubby's head off for breathing too loudly around me
-my jealousy
-the pending "annual review" at work, that may or may not result in a pay hike....
-the stupid ex-wife that doesn't have a car.
Okay, I think that's enough bitching for now.