What's that? You want to see some pictures of Kyle where he's NOT flipping you off? Okay:
We'll start out with a cliche picture of Kyle sitting in a laundry basket. He's looking at the camera as if to say, "What's next, a picture of me eating pasta and making a mess of myself, you tremendous bore?"
To which I say...
This was a picture that Kyle took during his trip back to 1991. I'm not sure about the need for the time travel...something about preventing Growing Pains from getting all crappy and preachy. I don't think he succeeded.
We've been trying for months to get this guy to crawl, but he just isn't having any of that. For whatever reason, it hasn't occurred to him to push his knees up under him and lift himself up. He can rolls and snake around like crazy, and he can even stand up if he's holding onto a table, but crawling eludes him for some reason.
We're not concerned, though, because according to his doctor (this is the part where I shamelessly brag about my child's probably-mundane accomplishments as though he just won a full ride at Harvard), he's speaking at a twelve-month level. He's been saying mama and dada for months, but he's also developed what appears to be a unique language where he uses his tongue to make what I can only describe as an odd, alien babbling sound. For a while, it sounded a lot like the "Derka derka!" language of the terrorists in Team America. Apparently, no one else at daycare does this.
He also enjoys clapping, especially when other people are clapping at him too. When we watch Jeopardy, after someone correctly answers a daily double and the audience claps, he immediately starts clapping. He also claps when people wave at him. We think this is because, when he first started waving, his grandparents would clap like mental patients because he figured out how to do what even the most retarded people have mastered.
Next Up for Kyle: A few trips to the Jersey shore. I only hope I can keep him from eating too much sand/salt water/medical waste.