It wouldn't do to sit idle for very long, my lady. Especially when I am expecting an unanticipated lengthy stay. A gentleman always seeks a way to serve and better his society.
I have, on occasion, taken a stroll through your neighborhood and taken it upon myself to admire the architecture of your charming establishment every time. I'm sure your young students are very happy to reside in such an exquisite schoolyard. The attention to detail in the gardens and the façade is simply darling.
I am much obliged to make your acquaintance, my lady Headmaster.
Some are not so young. But thank you, professor. A pity I could not have you become part of my cherished staff for my students! I endeavor to provide my students with opportunities in education they may not normally receive! And I am Serenity.
As for the school gardens you should see our botanical garden, we use some of the most modern innovations for recycling and tending to it. I simply adore gardens.
Young students and archaeology, hmmm... Do you suppose your students are interested in an in-depth archaeology course? If there is a large enough core group, I could offer a twice-a-week class through the fall and spring for advanced secondary school attendants. Time permitting, of course.
Though I must caution you that it is not exactly a common interest, Headmistress Serenity. I, myself, hadn't realized my passion for the field until near the end of my secondary schooling.
Your class would be considered a specialty class taught to the upper division students. Specialty classes that are not sports are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Would that still be acceptable?
Time will be tight, but I'm sure I will manage. It would be my pleasure to mark my schedule for it. In exchange, may I trouble you for a quiet afternoon tour of your charming grounds?
I am much obliged to make your acquaintance, my lady Headmaster.
As for the school gardens you should see our botanical garden, we use some of the most modern innovations for recycling and tending to it. I simply adore gardens.
Though I must caution you that it is not exactly a common interest, Headmistress Serenity. I, myself, hadn't realized my passion for the field until near the end of my secondary schooling.
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