Dec 14, 2008 12:47
Oh, the mess that is our city right now. Is it just me, or would we all be laughing our butts off at the people in Ottawa if they weren’t us? Snowstorms, transit strike, economic crisis and the federal government is off partying in Mexico or something (I imagine). I mean, come on. It’s a little bit funny if you can place yourself outside of the situation. You should try it, if you’ve got the luxury. It totally helps!
Like today, I was riding my bike home from work and had to wobble to a stop behind a van that was slowing down to edge between the lines of cars parked on both sides of the street. A policeman saw me and laughed. I laughed back because yeah, it was pretty hilarious. There I was on my bike after a heavy snowfall, literally confined to the 8 inches of slushy tire track left by cars or I would wipe out and topple over…and it’s not even that much faster than walking.
I also tracked snow all through my building’s hall with my bike. It’s currently melting off my wheels in the front entrance and making a giant puddle (sorry, Chris).